Cragcoast Waterway

Dungeon A Day: Cragcoast Waterway

Teczera, dread lord of pirates has arrived in Cragcoast. When he puts a bounty on the party's heads for the trouble they've caused him (due to their other adventures near the area), the group has no choice but to make a run for it. A "friend" gives them access to the Cragcoast Waterway, but is the dungeon really safer than an above-ground escape?

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Cragcoast Waterway Individual Dungeon Rooms

1 - Dungeon Entrance

Dungeon A Day - Cragcoast Waterway Day 1

Room Description

As you descend into the depths of the Cragcoast Waterway, the air grows heavy with the scent of dampness and neglect. The once vital water reserve, crucial to the survival of the city, now languishes in disrepair. It seems that little care, if any, is given to this forgotten place.

You find yourselves just within the locked entrance, having just left the "keeper" of the waterway, who granted you access. A sense of unease washes over you. Flickering torchlight casts eerie shadows on the walls, and the sound of scurrying feet echoes through the tunnels.

In the darkness, giant rats dart across your path, their beady eyes glinting with a hunger that sends shivers down your spine. The floor beneath your feet is slick, covered in a layer of slimy muck that clings to your boots. It's clear that this place has been left to decay for far too long.

Room Challenges

  1. Giant Rat: 5-giant rats scurry about in this room. Giant rats are the size of Rottweilers, they are excellent swimmers (upcoming rooms), and they are starving. They immediately attack the party, to eat them. Should they fall below 25% HP, they flee so that they can amass larger numbers of their brethren.
  2. Suspicious Rocks: if any players succeeds with an "Easy" investigation (75% success rate) of this room, they discover that small chunks of the ceiling have actually collapsed, which appears to have been recently caused.

Enemy Stats

Giant Rat: HP (25% of party Avg. each), Attack (50% of party Avg.), Initiative (50% of party Avg.), Defense (50% of party Avg.)

2 - Sluice Gate

Dungeon A Day - Cragcoast Waterway Day 2

Room Description

As you round the corner, your eyes focus upon a rat nest sprawls before you, teeming with beady-eyed rodents. Stench assaults you, and you can't help but feel a shiver of disgust run down your spine.

Past the nest, your attention is drawn to a steel gate at the far right side of the room. Across from the gate, a large and worn wooden column with spokes attached piques your curiosity.

Room Challenges

  1. Giant Rat: 4-giant rats scurry about in this room. Giant rats are the size of Rottweilers, they are excellent swimmers (upcoming rooms), and they are starving. They immediately attack the party, to eat them. Should they fall below 25% HP, they flee so that they can amass larger numbers of their brethren.
  2. Sluice Gate Control: a large and worn wooden column with spokes attached. When turned, the sluice gate that's currently blocking the stairway falls into the ground.
  3. Sluice Gate: a solid steel gate is raised, just between this dungeon room and the stairs. Once it's lowered, players may advance to the next room.

Enemy Stats

Giant Rat: HP (25% of party Avg. each), Attack (50% of party Avg.), Initiative (50% of party Avg.), Defense (50% of party Avg.)

3 - Underwater-Way

Dungeon A Day - Cragcoast Waterway Day 3

Room Description

The staircase, almost completely flooded, leads to an eerie underwater chamber. Heading down, the water envelops you, its chilling embrace seeping past your armor and clothes, and into your bones. Though not literally icy, the water is severely cold, and tenses your muscles, badly.

Within the underwater darkness, illumination comes from faint green glows emitted by lichen and other moldy growth. Its eerie radiance casts otherworldly hues upon the submerged surroundings, creating an unsettling ambiance.

As you swim, you're able to keep your head just above water, though the room's flooding very nearly reaches the ceiling.

Room Challenges and Treasures

  1. Barrel: a floating barrel that's water-tight. If opened or damaged underwater, the contents become useless, as they're flooded with water. However, if players drag the barrels to a dry area and open them, they find fine, dark blue powder contained within. A "Medium" Magic Knowledge Check (50% success rate) reveals that this powder will explode when activated with fire magic, dealing fire damage to a wide area around it.
  2. Cold Water: because of the water's temp, characters have reduced swim speed (about 25% less).
  3. Water Slime: a reddish slime wafts about in the water. Characters within 1Range of this slime make a "Medium" Resistance Check (50% success rate) or they become poisoned for ongoing damage (lasts until the party member has taken 25% of their total HP in damage).

4 - Underwater Hallway

Dungeon A Day - Cragcoast Waterway Day 4

Room Description

As you swim through the labyrinthine underwater dungeon, the waters press in on you with an even greater chilling effect. The murky waters conceal the path ahead, but you press on.

Floating at the corner of the section is another tattered and oaken barrel, and around that corner the waters stretch on.

Room Challenges and Treasures

  1. Barrel: a floating barrel that's water-tight. If opened or damaged underwater, the contents become useless, as they're flooded with water. However, if players drag the barrels to a dry area and open them, they find fine, dark blue powder contained within. A "Medium" Magic Knowledge Check (50% success rate) reveals that this powder will explode when activated with fire magic, dealing fire damage to a wide area around it.
  2. Chilling Water: because of the water's temp, characters now have further reduced swim speed (now 50% less).

5 - Massive Tentacle

Dungeon A Day - Cragcoast Waterway Day 5

Room Description

As you swim further into this section of the Cragcoast Waterway, a sudden calamity strikes. The ceiling gives way with a deafening crash, sending a cascade of debris plummeting into the water in front of you. The once serene environment is now a chaotic scene of destruction.

From the faint glow of the underwater ooze, you catch glimpses of something ominous. A massive tentacle, long and sinewy, thrashes in the water with an unsettling fervor. Where could this tentacle have come from, and worse, what manner of beast is it attached to?

Room Challenges

  1. Chilling Water: because of the water's temp, characters now have further reduced swim speed (now 50% less). 
  2. Tentacle: a massive, purple and blue tentacle smashes into the ceiling, causing part of it to break inward. Characters passing through the tentacle's space are attacked by its mindless flailing. If the tentacle sustains 50% of its HP in damage, it retreats from this room. Make a tally mark for each time the party causes a tentacle retreats as a "Stack of Enragement," for when the party faces the Kraken later on.
  3. Water Slime: a reddish slime wafts about in the water. Characters within 1Range of this slime make a "Medium" Resistance Check (50% success rate) or they become poisoned for ongoing damage (lasts until the party member has taken 25% of their total HP in damage).

Enemy Stats

Tentacle: HP (25% of party Avg.), Attack (50% of party Avg.), Initiative (same as party), Defense (same as party)

6 - Emerging from the Waters

Dungeon A Day - Cragcoast Waterway Day 6

Room Description

Yet another tentacle crashes through the ceiling, and you even hear more rumbling, deeper into the dungeon. This second violent intrusion has left you disoriented and on edge, seeking an escape from the treacherous waters.

Through the faint glow of the underwater ooze, your eyes catch a glimpse of a stairway leading up, beckoning you from the icy depths. With every stroke, you propel yourself towards the stairway, driven by the desire to leave the turbulent waters behind.

One giant rat squeaks as you approach the stairway, from a distance, and flees into the next room.

Room Challenges and Treasures

  1. Barrel: a barrel that's water-tight. If opened or damaged underwater, the contents become useless, as they're flooded with water. However, if players drag the barrels to a dry area and open them, they find fine, dark blue powder contained within. A "Medium" Magic Knowledge Check (50% success rate) reveals that this powder will explode when activated with fire magic, dealing fire damage to a wide area around it.
  2. Cold Water: because of the water's temp, characters have reduced swim speed (about 25% less). 
  3. Tentacle: a massive, purple and blue tentacle smashes into the ceiling, causing part of it to break inward. Characters passing through the tentacle's space are attacked by its mindless flailing. If the tentacle sustains 50% of its HP in damage, it retreats from this room. Make a tally mark for each time the party causes a tentacle retreats as a "Stack of Enragement," for when the party faces the Kraken later on.
  4. Water Slime: a reddish slime wafts about in the water. Characters within 1Range of this slime make a "Medium" Resistance Check (50% success rate) or they become poisoned for ongoing damage (lasts until the party member has taken 25% of their total HP in damage).

Enemy Stats

Tentacle: HP (25% of party Avg.), Attack (50% of party Avg.), Initiative (same as party), Defense (same as party)

7 - Second Sluice Gate

Dungeon A Day - Cragcoast Waterway Day 7

Room Description

As you ascend the staircase from the submerged section of the waterway, you find yourself entering another room thick with the stench of rats.

In your previous encounters within the Cragcoast Waterway, you've noticed that the giant rats would flee when wounded. However, as you step into this room, an unease descends upon you. It becomes immediately apparent that the creatures here are trapped, pushed into a corner from which they cannot escape.

The rats exude an air of desperation. The reason for this change in the creatures' demeanor is apparent: you can hear more crashing in the dungeon room beyond, where perhaps another tentacle awaits you. The state of the Waterway and its unknown monstrosities has thrown these giant rats into a state of panic and fear, giving them a newfound ferocity.

Room Challenges and Treasures

  1. Barrel: a barrel that's water-tight. If opened or damaged underwater, the contents become useless, as they're flooded with water. Within is a dark blue powder. A "Medium" Magic Knowledge Check (50% success rate) reveals that this powder will explode when activated with fire magic, dealing fire damage to a wide area around it.
  2. Giant Rat - Desperate: 5-giant rats scurry about in this room (including the one that fled here from the previous dungeon room). Giant  rats are the size of Rottweilers, they are excellent swimmers, and they are starving. They immediately attack the party, to eat them. Since these rats are desperate and in a state of panic, they do not flee when at low HP.
  3. Sluice Gate Control: a large and worn wooden column with spokes attached. When turned, you raise a sluice gate to block the stairway from which you just emerged.

Enemy Stats

Giant Rat: HP (25% of party Avg. each), Attack (50% of party Avg.), Initiative (50% of party Avg.), Defense (50% of party Avg.)

8 - Locket of Hair

Dungeon A Day - Cragcoast Waterway Day 8

Room Description

This area was clearly once a storage room. However, any semblance of order and functionality has been shattered. A massive tentacle has burst through the ceiling, thrashing about in a frenzy, and the room itself seems to groan under its weight.

To make matters worse, a colossal spiderweb stretches before you, blocking passage through the room. Thick, sticky strands stretch across the space, trapping any hope of easy passage.

Though the spider that created the web seems to have fled, as you survey the room, you can't help but feel a sense of increased foreboding as the Cragcoast Waterway is proving to be perhaps every bit as dangerous as an above-ground escape may have been...

Room Challenges and Treasures

  1. Colossal Spiderweb: characters make an "Easy" Athletics Check (25% success rate) for every space of this web they touch, or they are immobilized in the web for 1-turn. Fire that touches it burns away this entire web.
  2. Locket of Hair: within the chest is a locket of hair, delicately woven and shimmering with an iridescent glow.  A successful "Medium" Magic Knowledge Check (50% success rate) reveals that this locket of hair contains the essence of a beautiful siren's enchanting voice, and that when held, the locket grants the bearer the ability to cast a mesmerizing charm, as if casting a Charm Person 5e spell, but more powerful, and that also works on creatures. Make a tally mark for each time the party uses the "Locket of Hair" to cast its spell, as a "Stack of Siren Call," for when the party faces Sirens later on.
  3. Tentacle: a massive, purple and blue tentacle smashes into the ceiling, causing part of it to break inward. Characters passing through the tentacle's space are attacked by its mindless flailing. If the tentacle sustains 50% of its HP in damage, it retreats from this room. Make a tally mark for each time the party causes a tentacle retreats as a "Stack of Enragement," for when the party faces the Kraken later on.

Enemy Stats

Tentacle: HP (25% of party Avg.), Attack (50% of party Avg.), Initiative (same as party), Defense (same as party)

9 - Magic of the Dungeon

Dungeon A Day - Cragcoast Waterway Day 9

Room Description

Finally, a room devoid of monstrous tentacles... As you step into the dungeon room, your eyes scan the surroundings, searching for any distinguishing features. There is, in fact, a captivating sight that catches your attention.

In the middle of the hallway, pockets of pure magic hover in the air, suspended in a mesmerizing dance. Their vibrant hues shimmer under the dungeon's dim light, casting an enchanting glow that beckons you closer. They swirl and twirl, defying gravity with their ethereal presence.

It's as if they possess a mind of their own, teasing and tempting you to interact with them. You can't help but feel a tingle of excitement mixed with caution. These magical pockets seem impossible to avoid, their allure too captivating to resist. They hold the promise of untold power and secrets, yet their nature remains mysterious.

Room Challenges

  1. Pure Magic Pockets: characters passing through this room make an "Easy" Resistance Check (75% success rate) or they become enthralled by the magic and cannot leave this room (lasts for 1-hour). After an enthrallment, a character must make another "Easy" Resistance Check or become enthralled again. Characters who are not enthralled may choose to touch one or more of the 3-pure magic pockets, which charges their body with "Arcane Energies," and dissipates the floating magic. An "Easy" Knowledge Check (75% success rate) provides characters with the knowledge of how to then discharge the arcane energies, by either 1) giving them +5 Hit Chance on one attack or Spell cast (per charge used), or 2) restoring one Spell Slot. Characters who gain three or more "Arcane Energies" take 10% of their total HP in damage every turn until they dissipate at least one arcane energy charge.

10 - Third Sluice Gate

Dungeon A Day - Cragcoast Waterway Day 10

Room Description

As you continue your perilous journey, memories of the previous chamber, with its repulsive rat nest and overwhelming stench, are brought back, fresh to your mind. Here, another rat nest lies, with more frightened giant rats, and another metallic gate. These creatures, too, are in a desperate frenzy.

Room Challenges

  1. Giant Rat - Desperate: 5-giant rats scurry about in this room. Giant rats are the size of Rottweilers, they are excellent swimmers, and they are starving. They immediately attack the party, to eat them. Since these rats are desperate and in a state of panic, they do not flee when at low HP.
  2. Sluice Gate Control: a large and worn wooden column with spokes attached. When turned, the sluice gate that's currently blocking the stairway falls into the ground.
  3. Sluice Gate: a solid steel gate is raised, just between this dungeon room and the stairs. Once it's lowered, players may advance to the next room.

Enemy Stats

Giant Rat: HP (25% of party Avg. each), Attack (50% of party Avg.), Initiative (50% of party Avg.), Defense (50% of party Avg.)

Dungeon A Day Cragcoast Waterway Shop Promo

11 - Crimson Slime

Dungeon A Day - Cragcoast Waterway Day 11

Room Description

Frigid waters again meet you, as the darkened staircase leads to another submerged section of the Waterway. Here, another very large slime resides, gently waving in the room's subtle current. Yet, you know its dangers, having faced the mindless slime before.

Room Challenges

  1. Cold Water: because of the water's temp, characters have reduced swim speed (about 25% less).
  2. Water Slime: a reddish slime wafts about in the water. Characters within 1Range of this slime make a "Medium" Resistance Check (50% success rate) or they become poisoned for ongoing damage (lasts until the party member has taken 25% of their total HP in damage).

12 - Dangerous Waters

Dungeon A Day - Cragcoast Waterway Day 12

Room Description

This room's collapsed ceiling only reaches part-way across its wideth, and though a monstrous tentacle so well-known to you by now flails about, there is perhaps a small section you could swim through which may grant safe passage.

Room Challenges

  1. Cold Water: because of the water's temp, characters have reduced swim speed (about 25% less).
  2. Tentacle: a massive, purple and blue tentacle smashes into the ceiling, causing part of it to break inward. Characters passing through the tentacle's space are attacked by its mindless flailing. If the tentacle sustains 50% of its HP in damage, it retreats from this room. Make a tally mark for each time the party causes a tentacle retreats as a "Stack of Enragement," for when the party faces the Kraken later on.

Enemy Stats

Tentacle: HP (25% of party Avg.), Attack (50% of party Avg.), Initiative (same as party), Defense (same as party)

13 - A Restful Prelude

Dungeon A Day - Cragcoast Waterway Day 13

Room Description

Emerging from the cold waters, you see another large spiderweb, just barely glistening in the room's low-light. Yet again, however, there is no spider-like creature in sight, so you count yourself fortunate.

Instead, another wooden gate control resides in a corner, along with an oaken chest, across the room in its opposite corner.

Peaceful though the room seems in comparison to what you've experienced so far, the calm doesn't last long, as a might crash just beyond this room echoes thunderously. You can just make out several tentacles through the darkness into the next room, attached to a breathtaking kraken.

So far as you can tell, the creature has not noticed you, and at this point, no tentacles reach into this room.

Room Challenges and Treasures

  1. Anti-Toxin: within the chest is a glass vial that contains light-green liquid. An "Easy" Perception Check (75% success rate) reveals this to be a vial of anti-toxin, which players may use to cleanse themselves of damage caused by "Water Slimes" and the like.
  2. Colossal Spiderweb: characters make an "Easy" Athletics Check (25% success rate) for every space of this web they touch, or they are immobilized in the web for 1-turn. Fire that touches it burns away this entire web.
  3. Sluice Gate Control: a large and worn wooden column with spokes attached. When turned, you raise asluice gate to block the stairway from which you just emerged.

14 - The Kraken

Dungeon A Day - Cragcoast Waterway Day 14

Room Description

A rickety and half-broken wooden bridge lies before you over salty-smelling waters. Massive tentacles writhe in the area, slamming randomly against the dungeon's walls, as a creature of tremendous size floats three-quarters submerged in deep pools of water.

The air is heavy with anticipation. Suddenly, a thunderous roar echoes through the murky depths, cascading fear through your limbs. The kraken, a colossal sea beast, hungry and relentless, fully emerges from the watery abyss with a voracious appetite.

It spots you, and launches its attack, its ferocity unmatched. Its monstrous maw opens wide, ready to devour every living thing in sight. The sheer terror of this moment is palpable.

Room Challenges

  1. Kraken: finally, the monster reveals itself. With a body easily 10x the size of a person, this massive beast is incredibly dangerous. The kraken has as many tentacles available to attack with in this dungeon room as their are members in the party. For every tally mark you made each time the party caused a tentacle in the dungeon to retreat up to this point, as a "Stack of Enragement," the kraken gains +1 Hit Chance with its main body's bite attacks.
  2. Sea Water: the bridge in this room crosses sea water. If characters fall into the water, because of its temp, they have 25% reduced movement speed (lasts for 1-minute). Intentionally swimming through the water gives characters 50% reduced swim speed. 
  3. Tentacles: massive, purple and blue tentacles attack the party, in addition to the kraken's main body. Every turn, the kraken will use one of its tentacles to - instead of trying to damage enemies - grab them and throw them into the previous dungeon room, hoping to get them caught in the "Colossal Spiderweb."

Enemy Stats

Kraken: HP (200% of party Avg.), Attack - Bite, short range (same as party), Initiative (same as party), Defense (same as party)

Tentacles: HP (25% of party Avg. each), Attack (50% of party Avg.), Initiative (same as party), Defense (same as party)

15 - Aftermath of the Kraken

Dungeon A Day - Cragcoast Waterway Day 15

Room Description

Finally, a bit of good news - with the kraken slain, its various tentacles have all either slithered back into the depths of the waters throughout the dungeon, or else lie still and lifeless in its various halls. Here, you see the first fruits of your labors.

Though you hope for more good fortune and rest ahead, at least you have this one moment of calm, remembering the adversity you've overcome to purchase this peace.

Room Treasures

  1. Peaceful Passage: a moment of peace in the Cragcoast Waterway is a welcome experience.

16 - Place of Rest

Dungeon A Day - Cragcoast Waterway Day 16

Room Description

Midway through the dungeon, you come across what may be your benefactor's place of rest within the Waterway - when he's actually working, that is. Stale and partially-molded food rests on a rickety table. Perhaps this is where he stays when longer projects keep him down here.

Seeing what you've been through recently, it's hard to blame the man for avoiding his more tedious tasks. A small bit of laughter escapes your lips though, thinking about the work he'll have to do in cleaning up the mess from the kraken.

Room Challenges and Treasures

  1. Barrels: barrels that are water-tight. If opened or damaged underwater, the contents become useless, as they're flooded with water. Within is a dark blue powder. A "Medium" Magic Knowledge Check (50% success rate) reveals that this powder will explode when activated with fire magic, dealing fire damage to a wide area around it.
  2. Lumpy Bed: though the party is in a hurry to get through the Cragcoast Waterway and make their escape of the town, this lumpy bed and protected space does give them the option to gain the benefits of a short rest (HP, spell slot recovery, etc.).
  3. Master Sluice Control: set into the wall at the left side of the room is a large wooden handle that sticks out from the wall. A "Medium" Wisdom Check, or related (50% success rate) reveals that is is the master control to drain or fill the green, watery areas of the Cragcoast Waterway. Currently, the handle is in the "Up" position. If players shift it to the "Down" position with a "Medium" Athletics check, or related (50% success rate) - the switch is pretty stuck from lack of use - it'll drain all of the water from the green areas for the entire Cragcoast Waterway. Pushing the handle back "Up" refills the green water sections. 

17 - Runed Doorway

Dungeon A Day - Cragcoast Waterway Day 17

Room Description

Various orbs of pure magic hover in the air, dancing their same vibrant hues in the dungeon's dim light. On the right side of this hallway, a towering steel door looms before you, adorned with intricate runes that pulse with ethereal energy in shades of deep blue. It stands as a formidable barrier, as the caregiver to the Cragcoast Waterway provided you with no information about how to pass through this seemingly impenetrable facade.

You consider if there had been some kind of key the keeper had meant to give you, but forgotten, in his haste to spirit you down to the dungeon for your escape?

Room Challenges and Treasures

  1. Pure Magic Pockets: characters passing through this room make an "Easy" Resistance Check (75% success rate) or they become enthralled by the magic and cannot leave this room (lasts for 1-hour). After an enthrallment, a character must make another "Easy" Resistance Check or become enthralled again. Characters who are not enthralled may choose to touch one or more of the 4-pure magic pockets, which charges their body with "Arcane Energies," and dissipates the floating magic. An "Easy" Knowledge Check (75% success rate) provides characters with the knowledge of how to then discharge the arcane energies, by either 1) giving them +5 Hit Chance on one attack or Spell cast (per charge used), or 2) restoring one Spell Slot. Characters who gain three or more "Arcane Energies" take 10% of their total HP in damage every turn until they dissipate at least one arcane energy charge.
  2. Runic Door: to unlock this magical portal, players must go back to the bridge in Dungeon Room 14 and collect sea water. If players dip their finger in the sea water and then use it to trace the door's intricate runes, the door will open. A "Difficult" Perception Check, or related (25% success rate) allows you to provide one of the following clues to the party...
  3. Teczera's Pirates: depending on how difficult you want the Cragcoast Waterway to be, you can say that the keeper of the Waterway - the party's "friend," who allowed them access - never intended for the party to make it through. Instead, he got them halfway through the dungeon before reaching a door he didn't expect them to open, and meanwhile went to inform the dread lord of pirates, Teczera, about their location. As such, you may have as many pirates rush in to attack the party as their are party members, every 10-turns. Players may close the "Sluice Gate Controls" from earlier dungeon rooms, and break them, to slow down pirate waves by 20-turns per destroyed "Sluice Gate Control."


  • A faded inscription at the foot of the door reads: "The path lies in the water's touch. Return to unlock what's beyond."
  • The players remember seeing a diary in the previous dungeon room. Inspecting it again, they find an entry that mentions collecting sea water for a hidden purpose, and emphasizing its importance.
  • A faint and mysterious whisper echoes in the chamber, "Let the water guide your touch, and the door shall yield its secrets."
  • The party finds a small vial of sea water embedded into a shelf hidden within the wall, labeled "Cragcoast Water - Key to the Door."

If players are not figuring out how to get through this door and you're concerned the game may grind to a halt, or they may die from pirate attacks, you can always:

  1. Lower the difficulty of the perception checks required for them to collect clues.
  2. Hint for them to go back to Dungeon Room 14 and then swim left (which will take them eventually to Dungeon Room 20).
  3. Allow them to blast a hole in the wall using an exploding "Barrel" from the dungeon.
  4. Create some other simple means for them to get through that makes sense to you.

Enemy Stats

Pirates: HP (25% of party Avg. each), Attack (same as party), Initiative (same as party), Defense (50% of party Avg.)

18 - Absolute Darkness

Dungeon A Day - Cragcoast Waterway Day 18

Room Description

Another lifeless tentacle covers most of the entrance to this new segment of the Waterway. Just past that, he chamber is filled with a darkness which does not allow torchlight to pass. At first, it appears that the room ends, but pressing on the darkness, you indeed find that there is no wall.

What could possibly be causing darkness like this within the Waterway?

Room Challenges

Absolute Darkness:

19 - Darkened Magic

Dungeon A Day - Cragcoast Waterway Day 19

Room Description

Through the continued darkness of this winding corridor, the only light which you can faintly make out is another floating font of magic. With the unnatural darkness surrounding it though, this magic does not gleam and glisten as the others had, but instead is like looking upon the dark waters of the ocean at night.

Reflecting the magic's light just barely, across the room, is a chest with steel siding.

Room Challenges

  1. Barrels: apparently, this room was once used as storage, before it was flooded as a reserve for the waterway (another form of shoddy work from the waterway's keeper, perhaps?). The barrels are water-tight. If opened or damaged underwater, the contents become useless, as they're flooded with water. However, if players drag the barrels to a dry area and open them, they find fine, dark blue powder contained within. A "Medium" magic knowledge check (50% success rate) reveals that this powder will explode when activated with any fire magic, dealing substantial fire damage to a wide area around it.
  2. Barricade: the "Elven Serpents" have set up a spiked barricade at the top of the room. Anyone charging recklessly into this area is likely to impale themselves, for significant damage.
  3. Elven Serpents: 3-total elves are in this room, with one clearly being their leader. They wear hoods and cloaks fashioned after aquatic serpents. These elves wield magical powers of poison, water (increased swim speed, ability to control water, etc.), animal charming, and are also strong fighters with curved swords, though their charming spells don't work on spiders. So long as there aren't any "law enforcers" among the party, and they aren't attacked first, the "Elven Serpents" offer a truce, and will exchange information with the party. If the party are wearing the hoods and cloaks from previous elven serpents groups, this encounter will go all the more smoothly for the party.
  4. Shoddy Looking Box: the current keeper of the Cragcoast Waterway deemed it safest to build boxes around emergency supplies within the waterway. Admittedly - as with everything else in this dungeon - the workmanship, care, and upkeep is poor. The lids to these boxes are locked, but any type of attack can break off the box's lid. Within the box is a vial of anti-toxin, which can remove all poison stacks of the "Moldy Ooze," and 3-magical scrolls of "Anti Poison," which can each remove one space of "Moldy Ooze," within 12Range. The "Elven Serpents" seem to have brought these supplies along with them.

The Story of this Dungeon Room

If the players interact with the elven serpents, they learn that as with the previous groups, they're mages who are somewhat common among the coastal waters of the area. They are loyal to their own, but anarchists from the (rather thin) authorities of Cragcoast. They often deal with pirates and thieves, though they usually don't commit outright crimes of their own. They're in the waterway because they were trying to use it as a new base of operations within the city. It seems, however, that the concentration of more people in this dungeon has enticed a kraken to come and feed...

This group previously had another member (the "Irradiated Monster") who became exposed to "Concentrated Magic" within the dungeon. The leader of the "Elven Serpents" had been experimenting with new magic, and it seems to have gone badly awry, leaving pockets of "Concentrated Magic" almost everywhere. Once this group of "Elven Serpents" realized what was happening to their friend who had been the most exposed to the magic, they sealed him away in the previous dungeon rooms. This group of elves are quite grateful that you dealt with the danger, though they're gloomy that their friend was killed (most likely) as they'd previously had hopes of somehow restoring him to normal.

Despite their many setbacks, the "Elven Serpents" still hope to claim the waterway as a main base for the "Elven Serpents" within the city of Cragcoast, if possible.

Resulting Damages

Poison damage at this point should still be stacking up, causing 5% of the party's total HP in damage.

Cumulative Damage: 185% of the party's total HP

20 - Ocean Glimmers

Dungeon A Day - Cragcoast Waterway Day 20

Room Description

A massive shape in the absolute darkness of this segment of the Waterway turns out to be another lifeless tentacle - good thing you faced the kraken in such a cramped space, seeing yet another demonstration of the creature's might, lying about.

You hear the passage of water and just make out some glimmers of ocean-colored light, coming to another patchwork wooden bridge over murky depths.

Room Elements

  1. Denizens of the Waterway: these kindly squatters have made the Waterway into their home. They aren't a very helpful bunch, and don't travel far from this little dungeon room. Since this dungeon room is nearly at the center of the Waterway, they feel the most safe here from surface dwellers and those who may be after those among them who lived former lives of crime. Though mostly unhelpful, they may mention to the party that the Waterway's become much more dangerous since the arrival of the elves, and the magic they've brought with them. Though they feel there's nothing they can do about it, they are also worried about a friend of their's who's gone missing over the last few days.
  2. Shoddy Looking Box: these boxes belong to the "Denizens of the Waterway," containing personal items, food, clothing, blankets, and water. If stolen, the item's owners realistically have no way of stopping or harming those who steal from them.

Resulting Damages

Poison damage at this point should still be ticking, causing 5% of the party's total HP in damage.

Cumulative Damage: 190% of the party's total HP

Dungeon A Day Cragcoast Waterway Shop Promo

21 - The Spider Queen

Dungeon A Day - Cragcoast Waterway Day 21

Room Description

As you step into the room, your heart skips a beat. Through the darkness, there, huddled in the corner, is the queen of all spiders. Shapes shift around it, sometimes darting in front, and blocking out all light and view of the creature. Something tells you that the darkness of this winding corridor has either come from this spider queen, or that it has "allies" which cause it.

In the sliver of a moment where your breath stops upon seeing the spider, you can also hear muffled cries behind it...

Room Challenges

  1. Giant Paralytic Spider: a giant spider resides in the bottom right corner of this room. This giant spider is about 3-times the size of an adult human. When approached, the spider will flee from this room. If fought, the spider is not terribly strong, nor deadly. However, any bites from this spider come with a "Difficult" resistance check (25% resist rate), or the character is paralyzed for 1-turn per time they've been bitten (2-turns on the second bite, 3-turns on the third, etc.).
  2. Illusory Demons: thick gray haze is filled with fiercely flowing red eyes and barely-visible mouths showing wicked fangs. This haze, along with the "demons" contained therein, are illusory - they aren't capable of damaging the party. However, the magic is real, and any character who comes within 2Range, roll a "Medium" magic resistance check against them (50% resist rate). If this effect hits, the target gains the Frightened condition, as if by a Fear spell. Both the "Illusory Demon" spell and Fear effects can be dispelled.
  3. Moldy Ooze: on the sides of walls throughout this room are dark green masses of ooze, bubbling forth from large patches of mold. Any character who comes within 2Range, roll a "Difficult" resistance check against them (25% resist rate) as mold and ooze bursts forth. If this effect hits, the target becomes low-key poisoned for recurring damage (can stack to 10x mold effects). This poison can be removed with any anti-toxin item or effect.

Resulting Damages

Though the party most likely won't battle the spider in this room, poison damage at this point should still be ticking, causing 5% of the party's total HP in damage.

Cumulative Damage: 195% of the party's total HP

22 - Moonlit Bridge

Dungeon A Day - Cragcoast Waterway Day 22

Room Description

Finally, stepping into this space, you once again enjoy light. Furthermore, a hole in the Waterway's ceiling large enough to fit a kraken floods the room with the shimmering glow of Altius' otherworldly moon. The air is cool and moist, carrying with it the scent of the nearby sea.

A simple bridge, constructed from weathered wooden planks, beckons you forward.

Room Challenges

  1. Gate and Lock: the blue button in the top left of this room corresponds to both of the gates in "Dungeon Room 24." Meanwhile, the gates in this room also correspond to the blue button in "Dungeon Room 24." Pressing the corresponding button opens the gates, in this case, for the opposite room. Currently, the gates in this room, at the far right, are open. Pressing the button in this room won't change that fact.
  2. Illusory Demons: thick gray haze is filled with fiercely flowing red eyes and barely-visible mouths showing wicked fangs. This haze, along with the "demons" contained therein, are illusory - they aren't capable of damaging the party. However, the magic is real, and any character who comes within 2Range, roll a "Medium" magic resistance check against them (50% resist rate). If this effect hits, the target gains the Frightened condition, as if by a Fear spell. Both the "Illusory Demon" spell and Fear effects can be dispelled.
  3. Spider Royalty: an absolutely gargantuan spider resides in the left side of this room. This spider is about 10-times the size of an adult human. When approached, the spider will immediately attack, though prefers to not enter any space where eyes/ fangs from an "Illusory Demon" are present. The spider is tremendously strong, and any bites from this spider come with a "Difficult" resistance check (25% resist rate), or the character is paralyzed for 1-turn per time they've been bitten (2-turns on the second bite, 3-turns on the third, etc.). Additionally, the "Giant Paralytic Spider" from the previous dungeon room will fight alongside this lord among spiders, should combat ensue.

Resulting Damages

The spider royalty, though devastating in power, can simply be attacked from the position where the red eyes and fangs are visible on the map. Instead of courageously battling - should the party attack from a range - the spider lord will simply cower in fear as its slowly whittled away. Poison damage at this point should still be ticking, however, causing 5% of the party's total HP in damage.

Cumulative Damage: 200% of the party's total HP

23 - Primary Store Room

Dungeon A Day - Cragcoast Waterway Day 23

Room Description

The flickering light of your torch reveals an intricate web spun across the entrance to this room. Having just faced a deadly spider, these strands leave you feeling ominous about the space. However, they are clearly of a different make than the previous room, and seem far thinner in comparison.

As you look past the web, you discover what could be a small trove of useful goods and unique items, all stacked atop one another, in a corner filled with barrels.

Room Challenges

other useful items amidst the web's intricate network. A vial of shimmering liquid, rumored to possess healing properties, catches your eye. A set of lockpicks, their delicate craftsmanship still intact, promises to aid you in your future endeavors.

With caution, you reach out to touch a strand, and a surge of ancient memories floods your mind. Visions of long-forgotten battles and lost secrets dance before your eyes. It is as if the web itself is whispering to you, offering glimpses into a forgotten past.

Amongst the barrels, however, you spot a rusted sword, its blade still gleaming faintly with a glimmer of glory.

A tattered journal also lies nearby, its pages yellowed with age, offering glimpses into the lives of those who have called Cragcoast home.

  1. Concentrated Magic: the 5-floating blue magical spaces seem quite powerful, even to someone who isn't able to cast or control magic. A "Medium" perception or knowledge check (50% success rate) reveals that these pockets of pure magical essence are likely what created the "Irradiated Monster" from the previous dungeon room. Any character who comes within 2Range, roll a "Difficult" magic resistance check against them (25% resist rate). If this effect hits, the target gains +1 hit chance on all attacks, but becomes charged with arcane energies. If a character gains 10-stacks of "Concentrated Magic," they become an "Irradiated Monster," themselves, going berserk and attacking anyone near them. Neither the "Concentrated Magic" nor "Concentrated Magic Stacks" can be dispelled, but the beneficial effects wear off after 1-day.
  2. Cragcoast Water Supply Line: this rather large pipe dumps excess water (and sometimes sewage) from the city into this room. If the "Cragcoast Water Supply Lines" from Dungeon Room 12 were damaged, then water is currently flooding from this pipe, bringing water up almost to the party's knees.
  3. Illusory Demons: thick gray haze is filled with fiercely flowing red eyes and barely-visible mouths showing wicked fangs. This haze, along with the "demons" contained therein, are illusory - they aren't capable of damaging the party. However, the magic is real, and any character who comes within 2Range, roll a "Medium" magic resistance check against them (50% resist rate). If this effect hits, the target gains the Frightened condition, as if by a Fear spell. Both the "Illusory Demon" spell and Fear effects can be dispelled.
  4. Moldy Ooze: on the sides of walls throughout this room are dark green masses of ooze, bubbling forth from large patches of mold. Any character who comes within 2Range, roll a "Difficult" resistance check against them (25% resist rate) as mold and ooze bursts forth. If this effect hits, the target becomes low-key poisoned for recurring damage (can stack to 10x mold effects). This poison can be removed with any anti-toxin item or effect. 

Resulting Damages

Poison damage at this point should still be ticking, however, causing 5% of the party's total HP in damage.

Cumulative Damage: 205% of the party's total HP

24 - Whispering Door

Dungeon A Day - Cragcoast Waterway Day 24

Room Description

As you approach the end of this corridor, you come face to face with a massive door, forged from gleaming magical steel. Though previous doors within the Waterway have impressed you, this gateway stands apart as its surface is adorned with intricate gold and silver engravings that seem to shift and shimmer with a life of their own.

You sense no obvious magic coming from the doorway, yet a faint hum resonates through the room, as if the door itself is constantly whispering.

Across from the door, another stairway leads down to what you know will be frigid and uncomfortable waters.

Room Challenges

  1. Denizen of the Waterway: this kindly squatter has been kidnapped by the "Elven Serpents." Though mostly unhelpful, if the party talks with him, he makes it clear that the elves are bad news. They captured him for no reason, and have been talking about using him for magical experiments. He can't fathom why they've showed up here, or why they're so - in his mind - blatantly evil.
  2. Elven Serpents: 3-total elves are in this room. They wear hoods and cloaks fashioned after aquatic serpents. These elves wield magical powers of poison, water (increased swim speed, ability to control water, etc.), animal charming, and are also strong fighters with curved swords, though their charming spells don't work on spiders. Unlike groups from before, these "Elven Serpents" are clearly on edge, and will not allow the party to pass no matter what happens - even if things boil down to a battle. They will also not explain themselves as to why they've taken the "Denizen of the Waterway" captive, and they will not release him. If the party makes any aggressive moves, they threaten to have the "Giant Paralytics Spiders" they've charmed kill the prisoner. Finally, these elves carry keys that open the gates in Dungeon Room 25.
  3. Gate and Lock: the blue button in the bottom right of this room corresponds to the gate in "Dungeon Room 22." Meanwhile, the gates in this room also correspond to the blue button in "Dungeon Room 22." Pressing the corresponding button opens the gates, in this case, for the opposite room. Currently, the gates in this room are both closed. In order to proceed, the party needs to press the button in Dungeon Room 22, which will free the "Denizen of the Waterway," and allow them to continue forward into the dungeon.
  4. Giant Paralytic Spider: these giant spider are about 3-times the size of an adult human. It seems that the "Elven Serpents" have charmed these spiders to act as guards for their prisoner. The spiders are not terribly strong, nor deadly. However, any bites from these spiders come with a "Difficult" resistance check (25% resist rate), or the character is paralyzed for 1-turn per time they've been bitten (2-turns on the second bite, 3-turns on the third, etc.). Though for the most part giant spiders are immune to "Elven Serpent" charm effects, there seems to be some reason why these ones are under their control. If the party attacks the "Elven Serpents," these spiders will immediately attack the "Denizen of the Waterway," and quickly kill him.
  5. Giant Paralytic Spider - Web: these massive webs are extremely sticky. Any character who touches any space that contains this web, roll an "Easy" dexterity or athletics check (75% success rate), or they are immobilized in the web for 1-turn.
  6. Giant Water Rat: 4-giant water rats scurry about in this room. Giant water rats are the size of Rottweilers, they are excellent swimmers, and they have been charmed by the "Elven Serpents." If the party attacks the "Elven Serpents," these creatures will defend their masters.
  7. Giant Water Rat Nest: when any party member attacks an "Elven Serpent" in this room, then 10-giant water rats swarm out of each nest to attack, in defense of their masters.

The Story of this Dungeon Room

These three elven serpents have defected from the rest of the group, on orders of another amongst them who has staged a coup. Currently, they've trapped the "King of the Elven Serpents" within a segment of the dungeon where he can't get out, until their new leader has completed his plans.

These elven serpents have had additional magic powers granted to them by their new leader, which has allowed them the power to charm even the giant paralytic spiders in this room.

Resulting Damages

Each elven serpent should be about half as powerful as each individual character in the party, meaning that the party should take about 25% of their total HP in damage from fighting them. The party should also take 15% of their total HP in damage from fighting the 14-giant water rats. Poison damage at this point should still be ticking, however, causing 5% of the party's total HP in damage.

However, since this is another excellent room for a couple more barrel explosions (and the party's probably learning this trick well, by now), you can consider the actual total damage from this room to be probably only what they'd take from poison. If the party does use barrels to clear out the elven serpents and giant water rats, chances are high that the blast will also kill the giant paralytic spiders in the prison cell, and even probably kill the prisoner...

Cumulative Damage: 210% of the party's total HP

25 - Whispering Treasure

Dungeon A Day - Cragcoast Waterway Day 25

Room Description

As you cautiously push open the ornate gold and silver door, a single treasure chest bathed in a soft, ethereal glow awaits, its exterior adorned with glittering jewels. But it is not only the riches of the room that captivate you; it is the whispers from the door that now desperately fill the air.

The soft and hurried voices speak in broken segments of forgotten legends and lost knowledge, enticing you with promises of ancient secrets if only you should stay a while longer, to listen.

Room Challenges & Treasure

  1. Concentrated Magic: the 4-floating blue magical spaces seem quite powerful, even to someone who isn't able to cast or control magic. A "Medium" perception or knowledge check (50% success rate) reveals that these pockets of pure magical essence are likely what created the "Irradiated Monster" from earlier in the dungeon. Any character who comes within 2Range, roll a "Difficult" magic resistance check against them (25% resist rate). If this effect hits, the target gains +1 hit chance on all attacks, but becomes charged with arcane energies. If a character gains 10-stacks of "Concentrated Magic," they become an "Irradiated Monster," themselves, going berserk and attacking anyone near them. Neither the "Concentrated Magic" nor "Concentrated Magic Stacks" can be dispelled, but the beneficial effects wear off after 1-day.
  2. Gate and Lock: these gates are both opened using keys that were carried by the "Elven Serpents" in the previous dungeon room.
  3. Ruby Gemstone: though not terribly large, this ruby is clearly worth a considerable sum. Why haven't any of the elven serpents picked this one up, laying so obviously in the middle of the room?
  4. Storage Chests: unlike the many shoddy storage boxes throughout the Waterway, these are actually ornate chests that it seems the "Elven Serpents" have filled with food, water, some money, and plenty of antidotes to poison. By looting all of these chests, the players gain plenty of money, and enough vials of anti-toxin to remove all of their poison stacks of the dungeon's many "Moldy Ooze" spots. 

26 - Peaceful Waters

Dungeon A Day - Cragcoast Waterway Day 26

Room Description

The tranquil waters of this short hallway seem almost as disturbing as the chaotic racket caused by the kraken, earlier in the Waterway. Perhaps you've simply become too accustomed to danger in this space to trust something so apparently peaceful.

Room Elements

  1. Cragcoast Water Supply Lines: these rather large pipes dump excess water (and sometimes sewage) from the city into this room. If the "Cragcoast Water Supply Lines" from Dungeon Room 12 were damaged, then water is currently flooding from this pipe, bringing water up almost to the party's knees.
  2. Elven Serpent - King: this man is not only the leader of the elven serpent expedition into the Cragcoast Waterway, but also the leader of the entire organization. He wears an over-the-top golden crown on top of his hood. Like the others, his cloak is fashioned after aquatic serpents. The king wield magical powers of poison, water (increased swim speed, ability to control water, etc.), animal charming, and is also a strong fighter with curved swords. So long as there aren't any "law enforcers" among the party, and they aren't attacked first, the "King" offers a truce, and will exchange information with the party. If the party are wearing the hoods and cloaks from previous elven serpents groups, this encounter will go all the more smoothly for the party.
  3. Guard Dogs: these guard dogs are almost as large as an adult human, and are bred for battle. Since the "Elven Serpent King" shows favor to the party for freeing him from his captivity, they act more than friendly.

The Story of this Dungeon Room

One of the "Elven Serpents" was, like the "Irradiated Monster" from earlier in the dungeon, subject to a great deal of "Concentrated Magic." AS a result, he's no longer human. Whereas the "Irradiated Monster" lost his mind though, and began attacking anything he saw, this elf - known as "Bastion of Solanar" - has retained his consciousness, and executed a coup against the "Elven Serpent King." He convinced the three elven serpents in the previous set of rooms to lock the gates from that direction so that the "Elven Serpent King" could not escape.

Unfortunately, "Bastion of Solanar" has also managed to lock in the "Elven Serpent King" from the other direction, as well. Locked gates prevent a retreat, and guard dogs affected by "Concentrated Magic" watch over the keys. The "Elven Serpent King" brought his entire entourage of guard dogs with him (housed in the next dungeon room) when coming to see the progress in the Waterway, as his personal escort, but he fears that they - and himself - would all die were he to attempt a forcible escape.

Since this man is king of all elven serpents, he offers a great reward to the party should they help him escape. Bonus reward if none of his beloved guard dogs die in the process.

27 - The Crimson Slime

Dungeon A Day - Cragcoast Waterway Day 27

Room Description

Though you've now seen many of these aquatic slime up until now, this one is clearly different. This colossal slime's gelatinous body covers every inch of this room. As you gaze upon it, the slime undulates with a sickening squelch, its surface pulsating. You also notice something else intriguing—a faint glimmer within the slim's translucent body, which lights the room quiet warmly.

Looking around the space, you are quite certain that it would be nearly impossible to squeeze past the slime through any gaps, as the colossal mass envelops so much space.

Room Elements

  1. Barrels: apparently, this room was once used as storage. The barrels are water-tight. If opened or damaged underwater, the contents become useless, as they're flooded with water. Inside is fine, dark blue powder. A "Medium" magic knowledge check (50% success rate) reveals that this powder will explode when activated with any fire magic, dealing substantial fire damage to a wide area around it.
  2. Cerberus: this massive 3-headed dog has been clearly affected by "Concentrated Magic." The party's best guess is that it's also currently controlled by the elf who staged a coup, as it will do anything to prevent the party from pressing the button that opens the gates.
  3. Gate and Lock: the blue button in the top left of this room opens both the gates at the top of this room, and in Dungeon Room 28.
  4. Guard Dogs: these guard dogs are almost as large as an adult human, and are bred for battle. These 15-guard dogs, plus the 6-from the previous dungeon room will all go to battle with the party, if they ask. All 21-guard dogs together are about as strong as the party is, in total, so they can double the group's fighting power.

Resulting Damages

Cerberus is equal in strength to the entire party together, meaning that the party should take 100% of their total HP in damage from fighting the beast.

However, the party has options. They can use the barrels in the room to cause explosions, or send in the guard dogs to tank a lot of damage. In any case, they have a great deal of additional resources, which should probably nullify any damage they would otherwise have taken. Regardless of how the fight is won though, this fight should be significant.

28 - Whispers in the Waters

Dungeon A Day - Cragcoast Waterway Day 28

Room Description

Compared to the previous space, this room is dimly lit, its illumination filtering dimly through the water. More slimy strands floating lazily about, but their quality is entirely different from what you most recently faced. This slime instead remind you of previous rooms, where, though dangerous, the slime was entirely manageable.

Strangely though, you again hear whispers as from the gold-and-silver door, just before you submerged into this segment of the Waterway. Could there be another doorway ahead with that same, strange power?

Room Challenges

  1. Cragcoast Water Supply Line: this rather large pipe dumps excess water (and sometimes sewage) from the city into this room. If the "Cragcoast Water Supply Lines" from Dungeon Room 12 were damaged, then water is currently flooding from these pipes.
  2. Gate: the gates at the top right of this room were opened when the party pressed the button in the previous dungeon room.
  3. Moldy Ooze: on the sides of walls throughout this room are dark green masses of ooze, bubbling forth from large patches of mold. Any character who comes within 2Range, roll a "Difficult" resistance check against them (25% resist rate) as mold and ooze bursts forth. If this effect hits, the target becomes low-key poisoned for recurring damage (can stack to 10x mold effects). This poison can be removed with any anti-toxin item or effect.
  4. Vampire Bats: 9-vampire bats fly about in this room. Vampire bats are quite small, so are easily defeated, yet they will do anything for a drink of blood. Because they're so small, vampire bats aren't dangerous, however, any bites from these bats come with a "Difficult" resistance check (25% resist rate), or the character's defenses are lowered, as their body fatigues from blood loss.

Resulting Damages

The party should not take a significant amount of damage from fighting the 9-vampire bats, though they should be debuffed. Any poison damage at this point should be very small, probably not even worth tracking.

29 - The Final Ascent

Dungeon A Day - Cragcoast Waterway Day 29

Room Description

For what you hope is the last time, you emerge from chilling waters to a staircase that leads you up to the Waterway's dry, but still-damp halls. For the first time, the floor in this room actually angels steeply upward, giving a rise to your hope that the passage through Cragcoast may soon be complete.

Room Elements

  1. "Bastion of Solanar": standing over 10-ft tall, this monster has spiked, bony protrusions all over its green skin. It seems wild and dangerous, yet also mild in its own way. Rows of fangs fill its large mouth, but it speaks eloquently, between strained breaths.
  2. Concentrated Magic: the 6-floating blue magical spaces seem quite powerful, even to someone who isn't able to cast or control magic. A "Medium" perception or knowledge check (50% success rate) reveals that these pockets of pure magical essence are likely what created both the "Irradiated Monster," and turned "Bastion of Solanar" into what he is now. Any character who comes within 2Range, roll a "Difficult" magic resistance check against them (25% resist rate). If this effect hits, the target gains +1 hit chance on all attacks, but becomes charged with arcane energies. If a character gains 10-stacks of "Concentrated Magic," they become an "Irradiated Monster," themselves, going berserk and attacking anyone near them. Neither the "Concentrated Magic" nor "Concentrated Magic Stacks" can be dispelled, but the beneficial effects wear off after 1-day.
  3. Gate: the gates at the top right of this room can be opened with a key held by "Bastion of Solanar."
  4. Hellhounds: these hellhounds are almost as large as an adult human, and are bred for battle. It seems as if "Bastion of Solanar" took these dogs from among the "Elven Serpent King's" entourage, and altered them using "Concentrated Magic." They are immune to fire damage, and exude flames from their bodies which damage nearby characters. As mentioned in the story below, "Bastion of Solanar" gifts these hellhounds to the party, to help the "Elven Serpent King" escape.

The Story of this Dungeon Room

"Bastion of Solanar" was the title given to this former elf, who had enlisted into the elven serpents as the King's right-hand man, back in the early days of the organization. Previously a royal guard in the desert city of Solanar, he was enticed by a life free from rules. After so many years serving the elven serpent's king, and building up a new organization, he became fascinated by the "Concentrated Magic" contained in this dungeon. Though the King requested that he be careful with magical experiments, and take things slow, he did the opposite.

First, testing the "Concentrated Magic" on himself, he changed into what he is now - a monster. Driven mad by the magic's energies, he tested again on another elven serpent, who became the "Irradiated Monster." Finally, he was going to test further on the "Denizen of the Waterway," and if that failed, on the "Elven Serpent King" himself.

The party may think that "Bastion of Solanar" is the dungeon's final boss, but they're wrong. Instead, seeming to come to himself one final time, "Bastion" profusely apologizes to his King, and tells him that using the dungeon's magic, he created various monsters in the dungeon rooms to come. In his final hours, he regretted wanting to experiment on others, and created these hellhounds to help the King escape.

Though "Bastion" can't dispel or remove the "Concentrated Magic," he does provide serums that allow the party to still gain all of the hit chance bonuses from the magic, but protects them from becoming "Irradiated Monsters." Should one of the party members already have become an "Irradiated Monster," it will reverse that effect.

Finally, after providing the party what help he can, "Bastion" perishes as the magic consumes his mind and body.

30 - Spider Princes

Dungeon A Day - Cragcoast Waterway Day 30

Room Description

Reaching the top of the dungeon's incline, you find a final rickety bridge, its worn wooden planks barely holding together. Below you stretches a flooding stream that drops into a shrouded chasm below.

What catches your attention though are the two figures perched at the other end of the bridge. Two smaller, though still-fearsome spiders face you, their eyes gleaming with insatiable hunger.

Room Challenges

  1. Barrels: apparently, this room was once used as storage. Inside is fine, dark blue powder. A "Medium" magic knowledge check (50% success rate) reveals that this powder will explode when activated with any fire magic, dealing substantial fire damage to a wide area around it.
  2. Concentrated Magic: the 8-floating blue magical spaces seem quite powerful, even to someone who isn't able to cast or control magic. Any character who comes within 2Range, roll a "Difficult" magic resistance check against them (25% resist rate). If this effect hits, the target gains +1 hit chance on all attacks. Neither the "Concentrated Magic" nor "Concentrated Magic Stacks" can be dispelled, but the beneficial effects wear off after 1-day.
  3. Cragcoast Water Supply Lines: this rather large pipe dumps excess water (and sometimes sewage) from the city into this room. If the "Cragcoast Water Supply Lines" from Dungeon Room 12 were damaged, then water is currently flooding from these pipes, and has already dissolved all of the "Waterway Slime." In this case, to protect the green "Waterway Slime Slime - Conglomerate," the large blue "Waterway Slime Slime - Conglomerate," who is immune to dissolving by water, has covered the pipe with its body.
  4. Gates and Locks: the blue button in the bottom left of the dungeon room opens the gate at the top of the dungeon, allowing players to leave the room. However, in order to reach that button, the red button, which opens the red gates around the blue button, must be pressed, to allow access.
  5. Giant Paralytic Spider: these giant spider are about 3-times the size of an adult human. The spiders are not terribly strong, nor deadly. However, any bites from these spiders come with a "Difficult" resistance check (25% resist rate), or the character is paralyzed for 1-turn per time they've been bitten (2-turns on the second bite, 3-turns on the third, etc.). These spiders seem to have trapped food in the web that's located on the red button, and will attack anyone who comes near the button.
  6. Giant Paralytic Spider - Web: these massive webs are extremely sticky. Any character who touches any space that contains this web, roll an "Easy" dexterity or athletics check (75% success rate), or they are immobilized in the web for 1-turn.
  7. Shoddy Looking Boxes: the current keeper of the Cragcoast Waterway deemed it safest to build boxes around emergency supplies within the waterway. Admittedly - as with everything else in this dungeon - the workmanship, care, and upkeep is poor. The lids to these boxes are locked, but any type of attack can break off the box's lid. Within each box is a vial of anti-toxin, which can remove all poison stacks of all kinds (such as those from spider bites or from the monster in Dungeon Room 31).
  8. Waterway Slime: these slime eat inorganic matter and items such as cured leather. When the party enters this room, all 10-basketball-sized waterway slimes attempt to eat their shoes, along with anything else that falls to their level (such as a weapon attack, to which they are immune). They will eat weapons, armor, shields, items, treasures, and more, if given the chance. These slimes dissolve with water, and are vulnerable to magic. If the "Cragcoast Water Supply Lines" from Dungeon Room 12 were damaged, then the resulting 2-ft of flooding has dissolved these slime.
  9. Waterway Slime - Conglomerates: the massive slime in the top right and bottom left of this dungeon room are clearly the work of "Bastion of Solanar," probably corrupted by "Concentrated Magic." They, too, eat inorganic matter and items such as weapons and armor, but also eat all forms of organic matter, such as the party themselves. If the "Cragcoast Water Supply Lines" from Dungeon Room 12 were damaged, then to protect the green "Waterway Slime Slime - Conglomerate," the large blue "Waterway Slime Slime - Conglomerate," who is immune to dissolving by water, has covered the pipe with its body.

Resulting Damages

Each "Waterway Slime - Conglomerate" should be about half as powerful as the entire party put together, meaning that the party should take 100% of their total HP in damage from fighting them, and at least two characters should have part of their weapon, armor, or at least shoes dissolved by one of the smaller waterway slime.

However, if the party has caused flooding from breaking the "Cragcoast Water Supply Lines" from Dungeon Room 12, then both the smaller waterway slime and the large blue one become completely incapacitated. Especially if the party makes use of barrels on the remaining slime, or uses the hellhounds, which have passive flames roaring from their bodies, it's possible again for the party to sustain no damage from this dungeon room.

31 - Master of the Waterway

Dungeon A Day - Cragcoast Waterway Day 31

Room Description

Entering this room, you can hear the waves of the nearby ocean crashing against rocks, reverberating within the walls of the Waterway. Stranger still, you notice that moonlight again floods this subterranean space. Though clearly close to the exit, surely the entire ceiling shouldn't - again - be caved in?

Slowly looking around the corner of the door through which you entered, you find that the kraken wasn't the only beast to claim the Cragcoast Waterway as its new home. Indeed, a red dragon has taken residence, its red eyes slitting open ever so slightly as you gaze in its direction.

Just beyond, the outline of what must be the dungeon's exit gleams tantalizingly under the moon's glow.

Room Challenges & Treasures

  1. Barrels: apparently, this room was once used as storage. Inside is fine, dark blue powder. A "Medium" magic knowledge check (50% success rate) reveals that this powder will explode when activated with any fire magic, dealing substantial fire damage to a wide area around it. The "Essence of Magic Cobra" unwittingly ignites these barrels when it attacks the party, though it's immune to the damage caused from them.
  2. Cragcoast Water Supply Lines: this rather large pipe dumps excess water (and sometimes sewage) from the city into this room. If the "Cragcoast Water Supply Lines" from Dungeon Room 12 were damaged, then water is currently flooding from these pipes so badly that it comes up the party's waists, causing the party (but not the "Essence of Magic Cobra") to have half Speed in this room.
  3. Essence of Magic Cobra: this gigantic serpent has clearly been altered by "Bastion of Solanar." The creature is simply too large for the party to pass by it without conflict, but there's a big problem aside from just it's tremendous size - the serpent is imbued with "Concentrated Magic" to a very high degree. As soon as it sees the party, this essence of magic cobra ignites on fire (similar to the "Hellhounds" from Dungeon Room 29), and charges the party, causing the "Barrels" in this room to explode. The cobra is immune to fire damage (including damage from the "Barrels"), exudes a passive fire damage effect to nearby targets, and has a 50% resistance to all magic. Its bites also cause a magical poison which slowly drains the target's access/ ability to cast magic. Because this create has gone three-quarters insane from "Concentrated Magic," it will not stop attacking the party until they're all dead.
  4. Gate and Lock: the gates in the top right of this dungeon room are opened by pressing the blue button on the right side of the room.
  5. Ruby Gemstone: though not terribly large, these 4-rubies are each clearly worth a considerable sum. Why haven't any of the elven serpents picked this one up, laying so obviously in the middle of the room?

Resulting Damages

The essence of magic cobra is about half as powerful as the entire party together, meaning that the party should take about 50% of their total HP in damage from fighting it. However, since the barrels will - for a major change of pace - actually explode on the party this time, they should take another roughly 40% of their total HP in damage, depending on the party's positioning when the attack hits, etc.

Cumulative Damage: 300% of the party's total HP

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