

More rage, more power. Reckless, but brutal in effect. Dual wields, and never fears an up-close encounter with anyone.

Berserkers are warriors who embrace their inner rage to unleash devastating power upon their foes. These fierce and relentless combatants are feared and revered for their unparalleled strength and unyielding determination.

Berserkers tap into the wellspring of their own emotions, channeling their anger, pain, and anguish into a force that fuels their every decision. Their path is one of unbridled fury, where they willingly surrender themselves to the tempestuous storm that rages within.

Berserkers are a sight to behold on the battlefield, their presence commanding attention and instilling fear in the hearts of their enemies. Clad in blade-scarred armor, adorned with trophies of their conquests, they charge into combat with a ferocity that is unmatched.

Their weapons, often massive and brutal, are an extension of their own rage, cleaving through armor and flesh with ease.

Eternity TTRPG Berserker

It is not just their physical prowess that sets berserkers apart. They possess an almost supernatural resilience, shrugging off wounds that would cripple others. Their bodies seem to defy pain, their adrenaline-fueled state allowing them to push beyond the limits of mortal endurance.

Berserkers fight with an unyielding determination, ignoring their own well-being in pursuit of victory.

In the heat of battle, berserkers tap into a state of mind known as the "berserker's trance." In this altered state, they become one with their rage, their senses heightened, and their reflexes sharpened. They lose themselves in the chaos, becoming a whirlwind of destruction that leaves nothing but devastation in their wake.

Their strikes are fueled by an otherworldly strength, capable of shattering bones and sundering armor.

Berserker Class Stats

Note that these stats are not specifically used in Eternity TTRPG. Instead, these representative stats are meant to provide an overall idea of how the class plays. Definitions are provided below which do directly align with the Eternity TTRPG system.

Berserker Class Stats

Attack: the overall ability of the class to deal damage and set the tempo in a battle.

Defense: the innate ability of the class to reduce damage and negative effects taken, both from physical and magical attacks.

Intuition: represents skills such as perception, stealth, or sixth-sense abilities to help them avoid otherwise unforeseeable harm.

Magic: the innate ability of the class to manipulate the very fabric of Altius and The Dream, turning those powers to their will.

Special: not all unique "powers" are magical in nature, and some classes have magic-like, "special" abilities.

Quickness: the overall speed, mobility, and initiative of the class.

Utility: the ability of the class to bolster allies, debilitate enemies, or provide useful effects in various out-of-combat situations.

Versatility: the class' ability to adapt to any situation or environment, both in and out of combat.

Berserker Traits

Trait Bonus
Skill +5 Might
Knowledge +5 Geography
Decimation +1 Strike Bonus
Recklessness +1 Initiative
Dauntless Fury +3 Resilience

Berserker Abilities

The following berserker ability descriptions provide summaries of their actual in-game effects.


“Charge” up to 3 enemies, as a Move Action. You are also immune to the “Charge” effect for 1turn. 

Death Strike

You deal damage to yourself, imbuing a deadly attack with rage to increase its hit chance. If this attack hits, you also heal Wisdom.


This Ability allows you to know how much damage every enemy has taken, at all times. This Ability can only be used against targets who have already taken damage.

Make an with your main-hand Weapon for every damage the target has already taken.


You can equip two Weapons. Whenever you attack with your main- hand Weapon, you also attack with your off-hand Weapon.


Move your normal Speed value, ignoring Speed debuffs, Daze, and any other effects that inhibit movement, for this turn.


At the end of every one of your turns, you have the chance to damage up to 3 enemies who were nearby you at any point during your turn. You can choose to continually maintain this Ability. 

Massive Demoralization

The next time you attack, even if that attack misses, you have the chance to give multiple nearby enemies lowered hit chance, for 1turn.

Mortal Throw

Throw your main hand and off-hand Weapons at increased range, with lowered hit chance. You can also move your partial Speed value before or after this attack. After you throw your Weapons, they return to you, even if the attack misses. 


This Ability can only be used when you drop to 0HP. Instant Action. Take an attack Action against the target who dropped you to 0HP. After your Action, you still drop to 0HP.


Every time you attack or are attacked by an enemy, increase your hit chance against that target. You can choose to continually maintain this Ability. 

Berserker Art

Berserker Playstyle

When it comes to combat, the berserker is an absolute offensive force, but often requires some kind of bolstering or healing from allies to sustain their attack. It's a fun experience to use "Assault" as your opener for a battle, charging into, and absolutely crippling a large swath of enemy forces.

If your initial attack is preceded by "Massive Demoralization," you can keep your berserker alive through your enemy's initial counterattack. From there, it's all "Death Strikes" and "Decimation" to slaughter your remaining foes.

In case you're fighting enemies who can attack from a distance, you have "Mortal Throw" at your disposal to close the gap while dealing damage, and "Juggernaut" to avoid any movement-impairing effects.

Finally, "Wrath" and "Mania" provide you with increased chances to deal damage (especially against multiple foes), giving you the edge as battle draws on. As a trump card, you can also use "Vengeance" to slay any enemy who manages to bring you down.

Original Assassin Artwork

Berserker Lore

Many berserkers are born of a tumultuous existence. They are individuals who have often experienced great loss, betrayal, or have been pushed to the brink of desperation.

Fueled by these terrific “negative emotions,” the “berserker's trance” is a double-edged sword. While it grants the berserker immense power, it also makes them vulnerable. In their frenzied state, they become reckless, their judgment clouded by their unchecked emotions. This leaves them open to counterattacks and exploitation by more strategic opponents.

Berserkers must learn to harness their rage without succumbing to its overwhelming influence, striking a delicate balance between controlled fury and blind destruction.

Beyond their fearsome reputation on the battlefield, berserkers possess a deep connection to the natural world. They draw strength from the untamed wilderness, finding solace in the roar of thunderstorms, the howl of the wind, and the primal fury of wild beasts. They are in tune with the ebb and flow of nature's rhythms.

In the realms of Altius, where chaos and conflict reign supreme, berserkers are the embodiment of untamed power. They are the raging storm, the unstoppable force that sweeps away all in its path. Their presence is a reminder that sometimes, in order to survive, one must embrace the fury within and let it consume them.

For those who dare to walk this path, they become legends, their names whispered in awe and fear by both friend and foe alike.

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