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Eternity TTRPG Races

Learn as you play. Simple, with depth you can master. Fast-moving adventures and awesome battle tactics.

When you create a character in Eternity TTRPG you begin with only a racial selection, and later gain a Class as you level up. Your racial selection is the foundation of your character. Any race may be played with any class selection, and all may make for powerful characters.

In Eternity TTRPG, creativity makes for more "powerful" characters than any race or class combination.

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Racial Lore

All races in Eternity TTRPG come with suggested lore for your game. You may choose to use the provided lore exactly as-written, use parts of it as inspiration for your game, or ignore it entirely.

Even as your character levels up, your "Racial Power" remains powerful, scaling with you, and providing a constant reminder to yourself and allies that your race is more than just a set of stats.

Stats and Powers

All races come with pre-determined stats for HP, Wisdom, Strength, Agility, Soul, Spirit, and Speed.

Additionally, races have "Racial Powers" which provide unique combat-based effects. Your character's stats, spells, abilities, and options out-scale what your race provides, as you level up. However, your race's stat foundation is always a key component.

Ateri Art Eternity TTRPG
Eternity TTRPG Stoneborn  Race Icon - Transparent

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Eternity TTRPG Ateri Race Icon

Among their ancestral sacred words, “ateri” means ascended – a term given to them by humans. The ancestors of the ateri were an elite class of humans who developed a magical artifact that allowed them to transcend their human nature, becoming ascended elfs. 

Ateri Racial Stats

Ateri have very high Wisdom and Agility, but low HP.

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Eternity TTRPG Crour Race Icon

A “crour” is a person of any race who has taken crour formula so often that their body and mind have permanently altered. They grow horns and have enlarged bodies, and are often considered by members of others races to be merely rage-affected monsters. 

Crour Racial Stats

Crour have the highest combination of Strength and Soul.

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Ancestors of the empyrean are humans who, along with what came to be the ateri, developed a magical artifact that allowed them to transcend their human nature. The human slaves of this elite class came to call the empyreans “fallen” humans, or dark elves.

Empyrean Racial Stats

Empyreans have among the highest overall stats, but the lowest HP of all.

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Eternity TTRPG Esper Race Icon

Espers are those who have been magically mutated by the “Mirror Incident” and the star that fell too far away to kill them, but near enough to forever alter them. They are magically mutated. As such, Espers have great magical power. So much at times, that they glow with an arcane aura.

E Racial Stats

Espers have fantasstic Wisdom, Soul, and Spirit, but the lowest Strength of all.

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Eternity TTRPG Human Race Icon

Of all races, humans are the most diverse in the ways they look, act, and perceive the world. Determination, ingenuity, and compassion have enabled them to create the most powerful nations in Altius. More than all others, they are an emotional people, which can fuel them into passion for good, or corrupt them.

Human Racial Stats

Humans have the most balanced stats and abilities of all races.

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Eternity TTRPG Jadori Race Icon

The jadori are a wild lion-people, and typical Altius civilization does not suit them. They stand as tall as 7 ft. with clawed hands and feet, and fangs of jade. Weak, politically and influentially across Altius, jadori are highly impressive in person. They are wild, demanding, and aggressive. 

Jadori Racial Stats

Jadori have high Strength and Agility, and have the highest Speed of all races.

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Eternity TTRPG Stoneborn Race Icon

A volcanic eruption from the World Mountain caused a magmous, living stone shattered into a million shards. Those far enough away from the eruption to survive, but who were close enough to be hit with the living shards of stone, became stoneborn. Over years, stoneborn become what they eat.

Stoneborn Racial Stats

Stoneborn have high HP, and the highest Strength of all races.

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Eternity TTRPG Treant Race Icon

Of all races, treants care the least for the politics and affairs of other mortals. Instead, their realm is the forests of Altius. Treants are strongly connected to the wilds and are often druidic in nature. They are often deep, philosophic beings. The forests and plains of Altius are watched over by this race.

Treant Racial Stats

Treants have the highest HP and Spirit of all races.

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Yzarc are known by most races in Altius as “Angels of destruction.” Originally, Yzarc were two separate races – the angelic trinati, and the abyssal asura. Now merged into one, Yzarc are something like tainted angels, or purified demons. Their most distinguishing features are skeletal wings and tails. 

Yzarc Racial Stats

Yzarc have very balanced stats, with a little extra Strength and Spirit.

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Eternity TTRPG Classes

Upon reaching Lv.1, characters gain a "Class" which further defines their spells, abilities, and place in the world. Discover sixteen classes in the Eternity TTRPG Core Rulebook, and fourteen in the Races and Classes Expansion. Classes in Eternity TTRPG are either entirely unique to this game, or feature distinct twists on long-standing archetypes.

Eternity TTRPG Classes

From the nefarious assassin, to the brutal berserker, and dreadful vampire mage, you can discover Eternity TTRPG's rich class diversity along with all of their distinct lore.

Eternity TTRPG Class Quiz Reference

Not sure what class you want to play? No problem as we've developed our very own Eternity TTRPG "Class Quiz." Ten quick questions will help you decide what class to try out first!

Eternity TTRPG Race Artwork

  • Ateri Art Eternity TTRPG

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  • Crour Art Eternity TTRPG

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  • Empyrean Art Eternity TTRPG

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  • Esper Art Eternity TTRPG

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  • Human Art Eternity TTRPG

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  • Jadori Art Eternity TTRPG

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  • Stoneborn Art Eternity TTRPG

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  • Treant Art Eternity TTRPG

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  • Yzarc Art Eternity TTRPG

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