Eternity TTRPG PvP Tournament

Eternity TTRPG PvP Tournament

The official Eternity TTRPG PvP Tournament comes around once each year. It's a time when Eternity gamers from across the web (and those in-person) can compete for the glorious and coveted title of Tournament Champion.

In this tournament, individual participants get to create 2-character teams for a 2v2 all-out brawl.

Be fast if you want to register, as each year's tournament is only open to the first 16 people to RSVP. In order to play, you will need the most recent version of the Eternity TTRPG PvP Tournament Rulebook (posted to the site each year, before the tournament).

Eternity TTRPG PvP Tournament

The official Eternity TTRPG PvP Tournament comes around once each year. It's a time when Eternity gamers from across the web (and those in-person) can compete for the glorious and coveted title of Tournament Champion.

In this tournament, individual participants get to create 2-character teams for a 2v2 all-out brawl.

Be fast if you want to register though, as this 2022 tournament is only open to the first 16 people to RSVP. In order to play, you will need the most recent version of the Eternity TTRPG Core Rulebook.


The Eternity TTRPG PvP Tournament for 2022 is all wrapped up! See below for tournament results, and rules for next year.

PvP Tournament Results


Lord Achilles

Empyrean Sage

Treant Vampire Mage


Jadori Jester

Esper Alchemist

Rass Chappelle

Human Samurai

Human Samurai


Ghost of Cadmar

Jadori Assassin

Yzarc Cryomancer


Human Judge

Treant Revenant

Lord Achilles

Human Fallen Paladin

Human Witch Hunter

Eternity PvP Tournament Rules - 2022

This tournament is first and foremost for the fun of it. So please, follow the rules, guidelines, and mediator decisions, as we all do our best to make this the best event possible.

In this tournament, each participant gets to build two (2) maxed out, Lv.10 characters from Eternity TTRPG. Each 2-character team is played by 1-participant.

Eternity TTRPG PvP Tournament Banner


1st Place:

$65 gift card to either Board Fox Games (local to Grand Junction, CO), or a Visa Gift Card

2nd Place:

$35 gift card to either Board Fox, or a Visa Gift Card

3rd Place:

$10 gift card to either Board Fox, or a Visa Gift Card

*Additional prizes may be purchased for the top 3 winners based on the amount of money that tournament participants pitch in. Note that there is no entry fee for the tournament.


Event Details


The tournament will be held Saturday, October 29th, 2022.  


1:00 PM – 7:00 PM (Mtn. Time)


All in-person matches will be held in Grand Junction, CO (contact me if you'd like to play in-person). If you aren't local to Western CO, don't worry at all, as all online matches will be hosted at Roll20.

Entry & What to Expect

How To Enter:

There is no cost to sign up for the tournament. Instead, entry will be limited to the first 16 people to RSVP to me at the contact page.

Requirement To Enter:

You must have a copy of Eternity TTRPG to participate in the tournament, as one will not be provided for you. You can purchase a $5 PDF copy at the Eternity TTRPG Shop.


The day begins with a rated match to seed your position in the tournament. Based on your results from that, you are placed in brackets. The tournament then proceeds as double-elimination. If you lose twice at that point, you are out of the tournament.

Match Scheduling:

Matches will be automatically scheduled for you. You will know the time of your seed match before the day of the tournament. From that point on, your match times will be determined by your wins and losses, and you will be informed of upcoming matches as soon as I determine them.

1:00 PM – 2:00 PM:

Every participant will play a single 30-minute seed match.

2:00 PM – 5:30 PM:

Tournament matches. Each match lasts for up to 30-minutes.

5:30 PM – 7:00 PM:

Grand Final, best of 3-matches. Each match lasts for up to 30-minutes. Awards ceremony.

Tournament Rules

1) Match Mediator Gets Final Decision:

Some rules in Eternity TTRPG may sometimes be interpreted in several different ways. To help, all matches are watched by a mediator. Think of the mediator like the match’s referee. If the mediator makes a call that you don’t like, it doesn’t matter. The mediator gets the final call. Their job is to interpret rules in the game as they were intended.

2) Forfeiting Matches:

If you aren’t ready to play your match within 5minutes after your scheduled time, you lose. We have to keep the matches rolling! There will be no exceptions made for this rule.

3) Win Conditions:

Kill both of your opponents’ characters before they kill yours. Alternatively, whoever deals the most total damage (minus healing) to the enemy team within the 30-minute time limit, wins. Every 6-Fatigue counts as 1-damage.

Example: You deal 5-damage to the enemy team, but they heal 3-damage. Your “ damage” is 2. However, the 3-healing gives -6Fatigue, which counts as another 1-damage. Your "Total Damage" in this case would therefore be 3.


4) Tie-Breakers:

If both teams deal the same total damage to each other, the following are tie-breakers.

  • Whichever team has the least amount of total Fatigue (from healing effects, etc.), wins.
  • Whichever player has the most time left on their personal timer, wins.

5) Personal Timer:

To ensure that both players get the same play time, each player is given a 10-minute timer for the match. Time is only counted down while players are deciding what to do. Once a player states their action for their character’s turn, time stops while actions take place and dice are rolled. If a player runs out of time, they lose the match. It is up to the match Mediator to “clock” each player’s time.

6) Battlefield Setup:

Each team will be set up with characters adjacent to each other, 9-spaces away from the opponent’s team. Both players must announce to each other the races and classes they’re playing for both characters, along with the weapons each character is wielding. No other stats or information are required to be announced at the start of the match. Matches take place on a 20x20 grid with no special characteristics of any kind.

7) Declaring Spell & Ability Effects:

You must declare if you are going to use a critical. If any effect triggers, you must tell your opponent. If your opponent asks, you must also disclose the effects of your spell/ ability, and critical effect. In short, you cannot "hide" what you're doing from your opponent.

8) No “Going Back In Time”:

Part of the “skill level” of combat in Eternity TTRPG is simply remembering all the different things that your characters can “do” on theirs, or others’ turns. If you forget to do something, but your turn ends, it’s too late.

9) Flying Characters:

Yes, flying characters get their own special details. To limit the power of flying characters, they may not fly more than 1-"space" above the ground. When calculating range with or against flying characters, only horizontal (and not vertical) spaces are counted. Characters with melee weapons may still attack flying characters, so long as they are in an adjacent space.

Character Creation

1) Current Version of Eternity TTRPG:

You must play using the most recent version of Eternity TTRPG (September 2022). Prior editions are not allowed. If you already purchased Eternity TTRPG but have not received the most recent edition in your email, let me know, contact me.

2) Two Characters at Lv.10:

You may use any race/ class combos you’d like to build. Ideally, the most overpowered, unbeatable team possible. You will play two (2) characters, by yourself. If you’d like to make character creation as easy as possible for yourself, try out the Eternity TTRPG Character Builder.

3) Each Character May Have the Following Items:

  • Any weapon and armor of your choice.
  • Rare metals for both your weapon and armor.
  • Two (2) gemstones.
  • One Relic (Treasure).
  • Any three (3) other items of your choice. If you choose an item that comes with multiple uses, each “Use” still counts as its own separate item for this tournament.

4) No Class Weaknesses or Resistances:

For this tournament, there will be no light, shadow, fire, or ice damage. This means that light aura/ shadow aura units, cryomancers, and pyromancers will not take additional damage/ negative effects. Additionally, vampires and lich can be healed from healing spells and effects (as any other character), and are not immune to poisons.

5) 2-Daily Recharge Powers:

All characters are each allowed two (2) 1-Day Recharge spells or abilities for each match. In addition to any daily powers your characters may have access to normally, they also gain “Quick Tumble” (Witch Hunter) and “Combat Regeneration” (Legionnaire), along with all of their critical options. If a character has access to the same daily power twice, they may still only use that power one time. Any items used that says “Each target can only benefit from this item once per day” counts as a Daily Recharge Power.

6) Innate Racial Powers:

Innate racial powers do not count as 1-Day Recharge abilities for this tournament. This means that you can use the following racial powers and still have your two (2) Daily Recharge powers on top of that.

  • Lich (Empyrean)
  • Arcane Runes (Esper)
  • Spirit of Dominion (Human)
  • Counterpoise (Jadori)
  • Luminous Curse (Yzarc)

*7) Character Approval:

In an effort to make every match as fair as possible, all players must submit their finished characters to Jacob for approval prior to the tournament date, by Thursday, October 27th at the latest. This is basically to make sure that you built your character right. If there’s anything amiss, I’ll send you details and request revisions.


No character may be used in the tournament without prior approval. If you fail to submit both characters by Thursday, October 27th, you forfeit all matches. No changes may be made to your characters after submitting your characters. There will be no exceptions to this rule.

Final Details 

1) Spectating:

Spectators are encouraged to make noise, cheer people on, and generally increase the energy of the tournament. However, spectators are not allowed to help or comment on player strategies, or remind players to do certain things. Spectators who decide to interfere with gameplay in any way will be kicked from spectating.

2) Recording:

Some matches may be recorded and posted on the Eternity TTRPG site, or YouTube. You can be excluded from this if you’d like.  

3) Prize Winnings:

Yes, we have sweet prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place! Eternity TTRPG staff may still “medal,” but are not eligible to win actual prizes. If an Eternity TTRPG staff earns a prize, that prize will instead be passed down to the next runner-up.

4) Eternity TTRPG Gets the Final Decision:

In all aspects of the tournament, prior to the event date, during, and after, Eternity TTRPG reserves the right to the interpretation of tournament rules. My goal is to run as fun and smooth of an event as possible, completely drama-free.


1) Block off your calendar for Saturday, October 29th, from 1:00 PM – 7:00 PM.

2) RSVP to enter the tournament via the Eternity TTRPG Contact Page – the first 16 players automatically get added. No fee. You may, however, contribute to the prize pool in any amount you see fit.


3) When you’ve received confirmation from me that you have been added to the tournament, create two Lv.10 characters – with weapons, armor, 2 gems, a relic, and 3 items, each. If you’d like to make character creation as easy as possible for yourself, try out the Eternity TTRPG Character Builder.


4) Send both of your characters to Jacob for approval by Thursday, October 27th (the sooner, the better!):


5) Review the rules in this document, as you have time. Message me at the Eternity TTRPG Contact Page with any questions. Bring your “A” game for the tournament!


I’m very excited to host the Second ever Eternity TTRPG PvP tournament. Thank you for reading this tournament document and for participating! I can’t wait to have an awesome day of tabletop gaming fun with you in October.

Eternity TTRPG Races & Classes

Eternity TTRPG Resources

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