Master of war. Dedicated to being a soldier, in profession and purpose. Leads others to victory through command.
Rigorously trained in the arts of war, adept at compelling and enabling groups of fighters to fight as one. There is strength in numbers, but only if the numbers coordinate their efforts to create leverage. The Legionnaire focuses primarily on strengthening allies to fight with greater proficiency and effectiveness, rather than relying on individual strength: the Archimedes lever in war.
The combat style of the Legionnaire was formed by the Murgana barony in the early days of its conquests. Many attribute the rise of Murgana to power to the shoulders of the Legionnaires. To this day, Legionnaires serve as commanding officers in the armies of not only Murgana, but many powerful dukedoms.
Every army has utilized commanders in battle – those capable of leading others to produce formations and thus results otherwise unobtainable. But the command style of Legionnaires has been found to be the most effective in battle.
Legionnaires also make for wonderful additions to most any adventuring group as they are able to enhance the Spells, Abilities, and efforts of even small teams. Ultimately, the Legionnaire performs a function of vast importance to any group of warriors, large or small.
Note that these stats are not specifically used in Eternity TTRPG. Instead, these representative stats are meant to provide an overall idea of how the class plays. Definitions are provided below which do directly align with the Eternity TTRPG system.
Attack: the overall ability of the class to deal damage and set the tempo in a battle.
Defense: the innate ability of the class to reduce damage and negative effects taken, both from physical and magical attacks.
Intuition: represents skills such as perception, stealth, or sixth-sense abilities to help them avoid otherwise unforeseeable harm.
Magic: the innate ability of the class to manipulate the very fabric of Altius and The Dream, turning those powers to their will.
Special: not all unique "powers" are magical in nature, and some classes have magic-like, "special" abilities.
Quickness: the overall speed, mobility, and initiative of the class.
Utility: the ability of the class to bolster allies, debilitate enemies, or provide useful effects in various out-of-combat situations.
the class' ability to adapt to any situation or environment, both in and out of combat.
Legionnaires gain stat bonuses upon leveling up, based upon the "Critical Option" chosen for each ability. These class-based stat bonuses provide roughly half of the overall stat benefits for your character, making them integral to your character's advancement.
Trait | Bonus |
Bringer of Balance | +1Inspiration |
Art of War | +2Dodge and +1Resilience |
Blade Disciple | +1Strike Bonus |
In Eternity TTRPG, any racial power, spell, or ability may be used in or out of combat. However, each class does have its own unique set of "Roleplay Powers," which are designed to enable players to feel truly outstanding in ways that are unique from the rest of their adventuring party.
Roleplay Powers either provide auto-successes on specific skill or knowledge checks related to the class, or provide unique effects and powers that help players feel like they're experiencing what it's like to live in the world of Eternity TTRPG with their chosen class.
Auto success against Fate Rolls related to dissuading NPCs from giving their best, and from feeling hope. Negates "Raise Morale."
Auto success against Fate Rolls related to inspiring NPCs to perform at their best, and not losing hope. Negates "Break Morale."
Auto success against Fate Rolls involving any tests of physical endurance that the Storyteller will have last for more than 15minutes straight.
In Eternity TTRPG, any racial power, spell, or ability may be used in or out of combat. However, each class does have its own unique set of "Roleplay Powers," which are designed to enable players to feel truly outstanding in ways that are unique from the rest of their adventuring party.
Roleplay Powers either provide auto-successes on specific skill or knowledge checks related to the class, or provide unique effects and powers that help players feel like they're experiencing what it's like to live in the world of Eternity TTRPG with their chosen class.
Auto success against Fate Rolls involving protecting yourself and others around you from the “Dominate” and “Hand of Peace” Roleplay Powers.
Auto success against Fate Rolls related to inspiring NPCs to perform at their best, and not losing hope. Negates "Break Morale."
Auto success against Fate Rolls involving any tests of physical endurance that the Storyteller will have last for more than 15minutes straight.
The following legionnaire ability descriptions provide summaries of their actual in-game effects.
If this Ability hits, on every one of the target’s turns, they have a chance to take damage. Once the target drops to half of their max HP (rounded up), this Ability cannot be dispelled, and your chance to cause damage to them each turn increases. You can choose to maintain this Ability, making it an Instant Action at the start of every Battle.
This Ability automatically hits. The target has -1Resilience, -1Dodge, and -1Will (can stack without limit). “Break Morale” cannot be dispelled.
An ability with a high hit chance. Up to 3 enemies in Range, all affected targets are Taunted for 1turn.
This Ability can only be used if you take more than 1damage in 1turn. Instant Action, heal +1HP.
Up to 2 allies in Range, while at max HP (or more), gain a large amount of additional defenses. You can choose to continually maintain this Ability.
Up to 2 allies in Range, gain additional hit chance, against the same target. You can choose to continually maintain this Ability.
After this Ability has been used, the target has increased physical hit chance. You can choose to continually maintain this Ability.
Up to 3 allies in Range, each move your respective Speed values -2. You (but not allies) can instead choose to move 2 spaces (regardless of current Speed value), if you prefer.
Up to 2 allies in Range, both take an Action using any attack, Spell, or Ability.
After you use this Ability on yourself, whenever you are hit by an attack, you have a chance to instead avoid that attack. You can choose to continually maintain this Ability.
The Legionnaire class specializes in enhancing the power of allies, and they're best suited for players who enjoy either protecting or supporting others, during adventures.
Regardless of the exact role you choose to fill as a Legionnaire, it's always a lot of fun increasing your own hit chance with "Strategic Advantage," and using that to start off any battle with an instant-action "Blood Draw," to deal damage over time to your target. Then, as damage is ticking, you can enhance your allies with "Echelon Tactics" and "Phalanx Tactics," letting the timer run out on enemies, all while your own team's power is increased.
In battles against challenging foes, you can use "Challenging Shout" to protect allies, then "Weapon Block" and "Combat Regeneration" to keep yourself alive against focused attacks.
Finally, when you get the chance, you can also break the balance in battle to your side by using "Break Morale" to lower enemy defenses, combined with "Superiority" and "War Tactics" to give yourself and allies the edge with both mobility and attack power.
Foe before them, blades to the sides, they had charged in tactical aggression. Do’Zakarr’s black mane was ringed with black blood, yet still the stone giant assaulted him with four clawed hands. Raising his dented spear, a naginata half broken and battle-worn, he deflected a mighty strike from the beast.
Cado moved around the creature’s side and loosed an arrow that drove through stone into crunching shoulder, causing furious shrieks to echo amidst blood-stained halls.
Terror gripped the party as brands deflected in raging sparks off of hard obsidian, only to be returned with heartfelt blood leaving their own bodies.
Blood spattered across the room as Sanctus flew forward, his greatsword twirling in whistling arcs. He shouted, and it sank deep into the arm of the gargoyle, finally severing the cracked appendage until the claw mixed in with the blood of the dungeon floor.
Liked the legionnaire, but not quite what you're looking for? Find the right class for you with these other Eternity TTRPG martial classes.
Eternity TTRPG has nine unique playable races, each with their own lore, racial powers, and variety of options for play. Choose from races you know such as humans or treants, or dive into the entirely unique world of Eternity TTRPG with crour, espers, ateri, empyrean, jadori, stoneborn, and yzarc.
Choose from nine unique and playable races. A few races are "base races" (human, jadori, treant) while the rest are variations on those base races (ateri, crour, empyrean, esper, stoneborn, yzarc).
Whether you're new to Eternity TTRPG or just want a quick character builder that adds race, class, and equipment stats for you, check out the Eternity TTRPG character builder!
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Eternity TTRPG offers unofficial fan content for major TTRPGs and the companies that own them, in addition to our own games.