Born of the winter solstice. Commands the powers of ice and cold. Magic that debilitates enemies and protects allies.
The Cryomancer is master of ice-based magic. Manipulating water to instantly freeze allows the Cryomancer to diminish the fighting ability of enemies while causing significant harm.
Cryomancy stems from the black knights, a band of human warriors set to guard the northern reaches of Murgana against the Asuran Chaos Wastes. The black knights were led by Count Rasler of Leonic, a man who believed in both the sword and the power of magic.
Over time, the potency of ice magic drew in many powerful apprentice mages from across Altius, and Count Rasler’s black knights became instructors to the first great Cryomancers. Though the first cryomancers were also swordsmen, the art now has evolved into its own entire branch of study and mastery.
Note that these stats are not specifically used in Eternity TTRPG. Instead, these representative stats are meant to provide an overall idea of how the class plays. Definitions are provided below which do directly align with the Eternity TTRPG system.
Attack: the overall ability of the class to deal damage and set the tempo in a battle.
Defense: the innate ability of the class to reduce damage and negative effects taken, both from physical and magical attacks.
Intuition: represents skills such as perception, stealth, or sixth-sense abilities to help them avoid otherwise unforeseeable harm.
Magic: the innate ability of the class to manipulate the very fabric of Altius and The Dream, turning those powers to their will.
Special: not all unique "powers" are magical in nature, and some classes have magic-like, "special" abilities.
Quickness: the overall speed, mobility, and initiative of the class.
Utility: the ability of the class to bolster allies, debilitate enemies, or provide useful effects in various out-of-combat situations.
the class' ability to adapt to any situation or environment, both in and out of combat.
Cryomancers gain stat bonuses upon leveling up, based upon the "Critical Option" chosen for each spell. These class-based stat bonuses provide roughly half of the overall stat benefits for your character, making them integral to your character's advancement.
Trait | Bonus |
Frost Knight | +3Resilience |
Spells of Everwinter | +1Faith |
Elemental Ice | +1Inspiration |
In Eternity TTRPG, any racial power, spell, or ability may be used in or out of combat. However, each class does have its own unique set of "Roleplay Powers," which are designed to enable players to feel truly outstanding in ways that are unique from the rest of their adventuring party.
Roleplay Powers either provide auto-successes on specific skill or knowledge checks related to the class, or provide unique effects and powers that help players feel like they're experiencing what it's like to live in the world of Eternity TTRPG with their chosen class.
Create ice at-will, or freeze water into ice, up to your current Level multiplied by your body size, in total volume.
Cause the weather to cloud over, rapidly cool, then snow, in 15minutes of casting. Duration up to your current Level multiplied by 5minutes.
Cause the weather to instantly become windy, or still. Windspeed (MPH) and duration (minutes) both up to your current Level multiplied by 5.
The following cryomancer spell descriptions provide summaries of their actual in-game effects.
Blinds the target for 3turns.
Instant Action. The target gains a tremendous amount of Resilience, Dodge, and Will for 1turn.
Whenever you cast a cryomancer Spell against an enemy, even if that Spell misses, you have the chance to lower the target's hit chance. You can choose to continually maintain this Spell.
If this spell hits, it lowers the target's Initiative (causes double effect against pyromancers). You can choose to continually maintain this Spell as an aura, making it an Instant Action at the start of every Battle.
Instant Action. The target has lowered Resilience, Dodge, and Will for 1turn. If you hit with this Spell while your Weapon is affected by “Ice Augmentation,” you also gain the chance to apply that effect.
You are resistant to cold, and immune to ice damage (including ice damage from other cryomancers).
Whenever anyone melee attacks you, you have a chance to give them lowered Speed for 1turn. This Spell is a passive effect, always active, and cannot be dispelled.
Silences the target for 3turns.
Augment your own or an ally’s Weapon. Whenever the augmented Weapon hits a target, you have a chance to lower the target's Initiative (causes double effect against pyromancers). You can choose to continually maintain this Spell.
Deals damage and lowers the target's Speed for 1turn (causes double effect against pyromancers).
This Spell automatically hits. Every time the target attacks, they have a chance to take damage from freezing cold (deals double damage to pyromancers). You can choose to continually maintain this Spell as an aura, making it an Instant Action at the start of every Battle.
When it comes to combat, the cryomancer is an incredible asset to any adventuring party. It's fun playing a character that has such a dramatic bolstering effect on allies, and weakening effect on enemies. Though there are many ways to play cryomancer, it's a unique experience in a TTRPG, being able to play a "tanky" spell casting class.
In every battle, you can absolutely cripple enemy Initiative values with "Frozen Maw," "Ice Augmentation," and "Frozen Blast."
Once your foes are weakened, you can completely remove any offensive ability from them with "Frostbite" and "Icy Enervation," along with the more specialized debuff Spells, "Diamond Dust" and "Howling Winds."
Finally, "Ice Meteor" is a powerful ice damage Spell for ending battles, while you guard yourself against unexpected attacks with "Glacial Shell" and "Flash Freeze."
Goldfang Spire: a 50ft tower with a 20ft stone wall surrounding the courtyard, this is the castle of the family Rasler to the North, annexed in early years by Murgana. Many villages surround the spire within a 10mile radius, making up the entire lands still intact and owned by the Rasler family.
In the early years during the First Chaos War, Rasler, his men, and the original Cryomancers they trained were instrumental to the survival of what would become the Baronies of Murgana and Eboncrest.
By the Second Chaos War, the family Rasler’s power had greatly diminished. Goldfang had been taken over by a Dragon named Lanias Goldwing, and beneath the Spire, the unfaithful coven that killed their masters – the family Eboncrest – took residence. Through great sacrifice, a member of the Rasler family and his allies retook his home, and Goldfang became a training ground for soldiers of Murgana.
Many times during the Rasler family’s reign, they had made alliances of various kinds with the Asura to the North. Before the "Mirror Star" fell and destroyed Pandaemonium, the Asura had claims upon the Spire.
Liked the cryomancer, but not quite what you're looking for? Find the right class for you with these other Eternity TTRPG caster classes.
Eternity TTRPG has nine unique playable races, each with their own lore, racial powers, and variety of options for play. Choose from races you know such as humans or treants, or dive into the entirely unique world of Eternity TTRPG with crour, espers, ateri, empyrean, jadori, stoneborn, and yzarc.
Choose from nine unique and playable races. A few races are "base races" (human, jadori, treant) while the rest are variations on those base races (ateri, crour, empyrean, esper, stoneborn, yzarc).
Whether you're new to Eternity TTRPG or just want a quick character builder that adds race, class, and equipment stats for you, check out the Eternity TTRPG character builder!
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