

In-tune with the nature around them. Shapeshifts, commands magic, heals allies, and provide support in any circumstance. 

In the mystical realms of Altius, where nature's essence intertwines with arcane forces, a select few are chosen by nature itself to become guardians of the wilds. These individuals, known as druids, possess a deep connection with the natural world, harnessing its power to shape and protect the balance of life.

As druids traverse the untamed lands, their footsteps leave a mark of reverence and respect for the intricate web of existence. Druids are not mere spellcasters, but rather, they embody the spirits of the wilderness itself. They are the ancient forces that have shaped the world since its inception.

With every breath druids take, they draw strength from the earth, sky, and the creatures that inhabit Altius. It is through this symbiotic relationship that druids are able to channel their magic and wield nature's might.

Eternity TTRPG Druid

At first glance, a druid may appear as a humble wanderer, explorer, or even villager, draped in robes woven from fibers of the forest. Their eyes, however, convey a wisdom that spans centuries, reflecting the knowledge they have gained from their communion with nature.

With a staff in hand, adorned with intricate carvings of flora and fauna, druids command the very essence of life itself.

A druid's abilities are as diverse as the ecosystems they protect. They possess a deep understanding of natural elements, allowing them to manipulate the weather, summon gusts of wind, and call upon the fury of feral beasts.

Druid magic can mend wounds, cure ailments, and even save a life from perishing. As they delve deeper into their craft, druids can shapeshift, assuming the forms of the creatures they have studied and befriended. In these forms, they gain heightened senses, increased physical prowess, and an unbreakable bond with the creatures of the wild.

Druid Class Stats

Note that these stats are not specifically used in Eternity TTRPG. Instead, these representative stats are meant to provide an overall idea of how the class plays. Definitions are provided below which do directly align with the Eternity TTRPG system.

Cryomancer Class Stats

Attack: the overall ability of the class to deal damage and set the tempo in a battle.

Defense: the innate ability of the class to reduce damage and negative effects taken, both from physical and magical attacks.

Intuition: represents skills such as perception, stealth, or sixth-sense abilities to help them avoid otherwise unforeseeable harm.

Magic: the innate ability of the class to manipulate the very fabric of Altius and The Dream, turning those powers to their will.

Special: not all unique "powers" are magical in nature, and some classes have magic-like, "special" abilities.

Quickness: the overall speed, mobility, and initiative of the class.

Utility: the ability of the class to bolster allies, debilitate enemies, or provide useful effects in various out-of-combat situations.

Versatility: the class' ability to adapt to any situation or environment, both in and out of combat.

Druid Traits

Trait Bonus
Skill +5 Dexterity
Knowledge +5 Geography
Nature's Wrath +1 Strike Bonus or +1Faith
Nature's Healing +1 Inspiration
Primal +1 Speed

Druid Spells and Abilities

The following druid spell and ability descriptions provide summaries of their actual in-game effects.

Binding Roots (Magic)

If this spell hits, it lowers the target's Speed. You can choose to continually maintain this Spell as an aura, making it an Instant Action at the start of every Battle. 


After you use this Ability on yourself, every time an adjacent enemy moves away from you, Instantly make an attack against them with lowered hit chance, before that action takes place. You can choose to continually maintain this Ability, making it an Instant Action at the start of every Battle.

Earth Blades (Magic)

If this Spell hits, on every one of the target’s turns, they have an increasing chance to take damage.You can choose to continually maintain this Spell as an aura, making it an Instant Action at the start of every Battle. 

Gryphon Shape (Magic - Shapeshift)

You shapeshift into a gryphon. You gain additional Initiative and Speed, and you can fly, but you have lowered Resilience, Dodge, and Will. You can also see in the dark and you have a heightened sense of hearing and smell. You may still cast Spells while in “Gryphon Shape." You can only benefit from one “Shapeshift” form at a time. You can choose to continually maintain this Shapeshift.


When you attack an enemy when both you and an ally (or your “Spirit Animal”) are adjacent to your target, you have increased hit chance. Once this Ability is chosen it becomes a passive effect, always active, and cannot be dispelled.

Seed of Healing (Magic)

On every one of the target’s turns, you have a chance to cause them healing. You can choose to continually maintain this Spell, making it an Instant Action at the start of every Battle. 

Soothing Rains (Magic)

Up to 3 allies, after this Spell has been cast, on every one of each affected targets’ turns, you have a chance to dispel one debuff or Status effect from them. You can choose to continually maintain this Spell, making it an Instant Action at the start of every Battle. 

Spirit Animal

You summon an animal companion. “Spirit Animal” acts on the same turn as the druid. You can only have one “Spirit Animal” active at a time. You continually maintain "Spirit Animal" with your Inspiration stat value.

Wind Tunnel (Magic)

If this spell hits, it throws the target up a great distance away from you, in any direction.

Wolf Shape (Magic - Shapeshift)

You shapeshift into a wolf. You gain additional Initiative and Speed, but you have lowered Resilience, Dodge, and Will. You can also see in the dark and you have a heightened sense of hearing and smell. Monsters will not attack you if they only see you in “Wolf Shape” unless you attack them. You may still cast Spells while in “Wolf Shape." You can only benefit from one “Shapeshift” form at a time. You can choose to continually maintain this Shapeshift.

Druid Art

Druid Playstyle

When it comes to combat, the druid is highly versatile, allowing you the opportunity to act as a healer, damage dealer, spell caster, or support character. It's a fun experience to try out different approaches to every battle with your wide array of spells and abilities.

If you want to get aggressive, "Wolf Shape," "Brutality," and "Lacerate" allow you to get into the melee and take the battle to your foes.

Meanwhile, "Earth Blades" and "Spirit Animal" allow you to deal continual damage, even from a distance. These powers pair very well with "Gryphon Shape" as you can fly out of enemy attack range, while your damage on them increases.

If you really enjoy creating difficult battles for your foes, you can also slow enemies with "Binding Roots," and continually force them away from you with "Wind Tunnel."

Finally, "Seed of Healing" and "Soothing Rains" provide you and your allies with continual healing and debuff-removal effects, allowing you to win battles of attrition, while still being ready for more battles to come.

Original Druid Artwork

Druid Lore

The true strength of a druid lies in their ability to commune with the spirits of nature. Through rituals and meditations, they establish a connection with ethereal beings that govern the natural order of Altius.

These spirits offer guidance, granting druids insight into the mysteries of the world and the forces that shape it. In return, druids act as stewards, ensuring the delicate balance between civilization and the wild remains intact.

While druids are often found in the heart of the wilderness, their presence is not limited to secluded groves and hidden glens. They can be found in bustling cities, using their abilities to heal the sick, mend broken lands, and advocate for the preservation of nature. Their voices carry the weight of ancient trees, their pleas for harmony echoing through the halls of power.

Druids are not solitary beings, for they understand the importance of unity in the face of adversity. They form bonds with other adventurers, sharing their wisdom and magic to aid their allies in their quests.

With their unparalleled knowledge of the natural world, druids are invaluable allies, able to provide guidance, protection, and a sense of calm amidst chaos.

In the world of Altius, where the forces of light and darkness wage an eternal struggle, druids stand as a beacon of hope. They are the guardians of life, the protectors of balance, and the harbingers of nature's wrath.

With their unwavering dedication and their unbreakable bond with the wild, druids ensure that the world continues to flourish, forever entwined with the essence of the untamed.

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