Patient and precise, trained to deliver sudden death. Rare is the person who can master these skills.
Assassins excel in suddenly and swiftly ending lives.
Legends speak of ancient scrolls written by a man known only as “the Assassin,” who lived in the Desert Rose. Very little is known of the Assassin, except that he had silver hair, and was well-known by a small band of heroes during the 2nd Chaos War. No one knows where the Assassin developed his skills.
What is known is that his devotees, led many years later by Scorn, developed a dojo in Leonic. The scrolls originally written by the Assassin are said to reside in the dojo, detailing the hidden arts of the Assassin, available to any who can devote themselves to unravelling the mysteries contained therein. Without proper instruction, the scrolls are said to be confounding to the point of madness.
Those who have been formally trained as Assassin in Scorn's dojo never speak of the truth contained in these scrolls. The scrolls seem to be sacred to those who have trained in the arts.
Note that these stats are not specifically used in Eternity TTRPG. Instead, these representative stats are meant to provide an overall idea of how the class plays. Definitions are provided below which do directly align with the Eternity TTRPG system.
Attack: the overall ability of the class to deal damage and set the tempo in a battle.
Defense: the innate ability of the class to reduce damage and negative effects taken, both from physical and magical attacks.
Intuition: represents skills such as perception, stealth, or sixth-sense abilities to help them avoid otherwise unforeseeable harm.
Magic: the innate ability of the class to manipulate the very fabric of Altius and The Dream, turning those powers to their will.
Special: not all unique "powers" are magical in nature, and some classes have magic-like, "special" abilities.
Quickness: the overall speed, mobility, and initiative of the class.
Utility: the ability of the class to bolster allies, debilitate enemies, or provide useful effects in various out-of-combat situations.
the class' ability to adapt to any situation or environment, both in and out of combat.
Assassins gain stat bonuses upon leveling up, based upon the "Critical Option" chosen for each ability. These class-based stat bonuses provide roughly half of the overall stat benefits for your character, making them integral to your character's advancement.
Trait | Bonus |
Life-Ender | +1Strike Bonus |
Infiltrator | +1Speed |
Expert | +1Initiative |
In Eternity TTRPG, any racial power, spell, or ability may be used in or out of combat. However, each class does have its own unique set of "Roleplay Powers," which are designed to enable players to feel truly outstanding in ways that are unique from the rest of their adventuring party.
Roleplay Powers either provide auto-successes on specific skill or knowledge checks related to the class, or provide unique effects and powers that help players feel like they're experiencing what it's like to live in the world of Eternity TTRPG with their chosen class.
Auto success against Fate Rolls related to assassinating an NPC who the Storyteller deems as “non-critical” to the story.
Auto success against Fate Rolls involving chases that are less than a half mile in distance, to catch someone or escape.
Auto success against Fate Rolls involving disguising yourself, breaking and entering, or utilizing stealth to get in or out of an area.

The following assassin ability descriptions provide summaries of their actual in-game effects.
If you hit, you have a chance to instantly kill the target, based on their remaining HP. "Assassinate" gains an increased hit chance from the following conditions:
You can equip two Weapons. Whenever you attack with your main- hand Weapon, you also attack with your off-hand Weapon.
For every stack you have of “Lethality” from using “Rupture," “Cold Blood,” and various Critical Options, you can choose to gain
additional hit chance with your main-hand Weapon.
You can apply poisons of any kind to Weapons of your choice without risk of harming yourself.
After you use this Ability on yourself, every turn you have the chance to gain one “Lethality." You can choose to continually maintain this Ability.
This Ability can only be used on a turn after you take damage. Instant Action. Act as if you are under the effects of “Unassuming” again, for 1turn.
This Ability can only be used both 1) the first time you attack an enemy, and 2) the first time you are attacked by an enemy. Instant Action, you have a chance to deal damage to your target.
You gain one stack of “Lethality," and you gain bonus Initiative for 1turn.
An attack with increased hit chance. If this Ability hits, you gain you two (2) stacks of “Lethality." If you hit with this Ability, it also allows you the chance to apply poisons that you have added to your Weapon.
Move double your Speed value this turn and you gain bonus Speed for Battle Duration.
You are untargetable for either the first 3turns in Battle or so long as there are other allies of yours who can first be killed – whichever lasts longer. This condition is removed if you attack, cause healing, or “get in the way” of an ally becoming harmed.
When it comes to combat, the assassin class functions as an all-or-nothing damage dealer. It's a fun experience to use "Unassuming" to initially avoid combat, letting your allies run into the fray.
While your enemies are distracted, you can constantly use "Premeditate" to bolster your impending attack(s), while passively letting "Cold Blood" provide the same effect for you.
Once you've accumulated enough "Lethality," it's time to "Sprint" in and "Assassinate," making use of your dual-wield effect from "Assassin's Blades." Alternatively, you can use "Rupture" for a near-guaranteed hit, with the chance to apply "Assassin's Poisons" to your target for debilitation effects.
Finally, if you're attacked or under too much pressure, you can use "Feint" to more or less reset the battle, gaining distance from your enemies to again amass "Lethality" and otherwise let your poisons do their work of weakening your foes.
Scorn’s Sword: a small shack nestled between two waterfalls. Very few people know of its existence.
Not all Assassins are trained in this location, but some of the greatest masters are found within. The shack contains only a single room. A series of complex clues points to a secret door, and beyond the door is a series of training rooms built into one of the rocky cliffs behind a waterfall.
If one can survive the training rooms, they are accepted as a pupil.
Training usually takes 7 years, but the results are indisputable. Trainees are taught from scrolls written by a man known as, “the Assassin.” The scrolls have been kept and passed down through “the Assassin’s” protégé, Scorn. Scorn’s soul, kept in a katana, lies unsheathed on a wood floor within the dojo. Occasionally, if he deems a person or student particularly interesting, he may take time to engage with them in a mentoring conversation.
Liked the assassin, but not quite what you're looking for? Find the right class for you with these other Eternity TTRPG martial classes.
Eternity TTRPG has nine unique playable races, each with their own lore, racial powers, and variety of options for play. Choose from races you know such as humans or treants, or dive into the entirely unique world of Eternity TTRPG with crour, espers, ateri, empyrean, jadori, stoneborn, and yzarc.
Choose from nine unique and playable races. A few races are "base races" (human, jadori, treant) while the rest are variations on those base races (ateri, crour, empyrean, esper, stoneborn, yzarc).
Whether you're new to Eternity TTRPG or just want a quick character builder that adds race, class, and equipment stats for you, check out the Eternity TTRPG character builder!
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