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Eternity TTRPG Classes

Learn as you play. Simple, with depth you can master. Fast-moving adventures and awesome battle tactics.

Characters in Eternity TTRPG gain a Class at Lv.1 (characters typically begin games at Lv.0). Whereas your racial selection is the foundation of your character, Classes add an additional layer that allows you to craft a character that embodies your ideal hero (or villain, or anything in between).

In Eternity TTRPG there are sixteen classes in the Core Rulebook, and an additional fourteen in the Races and Classes Expansion.

Any race may be played with any class selection, and all may make for powerful characters. In Eternity TTRPG, creativity makes for more "powerful" characters than any race or class combination.

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Class Lore

All classes in Eternity TTRPG come with suggested lore for your game. You may choose to use the provided lore exactly as-written, use parts of it as inspiration for your game, or ignore it entirely.

As your character levels up, you gain class "Roleplay Powers" that providing a constant reminder to yourself and allies that your chosen class is more than just a set of abilities and stats.

Spells, Abilities, and Stats

Classes contribute only minimally to your character's stats, adding building blocks to your existing racial stats.

Primarily, classes give you access to Spells and Abilities which enable your character to accomplish a wide range of unique feats. All spells and abilities have specific combat effects, though any of them may be used for roleplay purposes as you see fit.

Archon Class Icon - Transparent
Eternity TTRPG Vampire Mage Class - Transparent
Eternity TTRPG Sage Class - Transparent
Fallen Paladin Class Icon - Transparent
Eternity TTRPG Stoneborn  Race Icon - Transparent

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Alchemist Class Icon

Those who seek the true nature of our world. Their vast understanding allows them many unique magical powers.

Chimaera – transform into a monstrous beast using a combination of potions.

Crour Formula – enhance your ally's strength at a risk of going berserk.

Philosopher's Stone consume magical energies to become temporarily god-like.

Eternity TTRPG Expansion Class


Archon Class Icon

The noble class of "arch mages." The supreme arts of magic are only taught by and amongst noble families.

Channel Magic – each turn, recast any spell you'd like as an instant action.

Haste – each turn, grants allies a chance to take an additional action.

Meteor – a massively powerful spell that crushes an entire area.

Eternity TTRPG Expansion Class

Assassin Class Icon

Masters of stealth who have trained to deliver sudden death. Rare is the person who can master these skills.

Assassinate – attack with a chance to cause instant death.

Cold Blood – each turn, increase your deadly precision.

Feign Death – when injured, escape potential danger.

Assassin Class Stats

Assassins are all about building up/ preparation for one deadly strike.

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Beast Master

Beast Master Class Icon

Lord of the wilds, who tames and controls a variety of helpful and powerful beasts.

Ferocity – empowers your beasts with deadly aggression.

Serpent Taming – utilize serpents to poison and hinder enemies.

Wolf Taming – call upon your wolf companion to enhance the pack.

Eternity TTRPG Expansion Class

Eternity TTRPG Berserker Class

More rage, more power. Reckless, but brutal in effect. Dual wields, and never fears an up-close encounter with anyone.

Dual-Wield – equip weapons in each hand.

Mania – chance to cause damage to any enemy nearby. 

Wrath – the more you’re attacked, the higher your hit chance.

Berserker Class Stats

Berserkers have insanely powerful abilities and strength in melee range.

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Those who destroy the seals between Altius and other worlds. Their magic come from the stars and powers beyond.

Celestial Wall – summons a magical barrier to protect yourself and allies.

Gravity – creates a singularity which continually pulls in enemies.

Zodiac – randomly strike an enemy in range with star fire.

Eternity TTRPG Expansion Class

Eternity TTRPG Cryomancer

Born of the winter solstice. Commands the powers of ice and cold. Magic that debilitates enemies and protects allies. 

Frozen Blast – drastically slow and weaken enemies.

Glacial Shell – protect yourself against attacks with a magical barrier. 

Icy Enervation – each time an enemy attacks, they may take freeze damage.

Cryomancer Class Stats

Cryomancers protect themselves and allies by debuffing enemies, while attacking.

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Dragon Knight

Dragon Knight

Dragon Knight Class Icon

Connected to a dragon by the heart, and forever bound to one, they are keepers of the ancient dragon/ mortal alliance.

Chromatic Magic – dragon breath with any element: fire, ice, shadow, and more.

Dragon Flight – ride your dragon companion into battle.

Supremacy – an attack that strikes more powerfully against high HP enemies.

Eternity TTRPG Expansion Class

Dread Priest

Dread Priest Class Icon

Before true healing magic was known to mortals, "Dread Priests" filled the ranks of armies, keeping both warriors and their victims alive.

Blessing of Mortality – trade HP with allies to keep them alive.

Dreadful Prayer – magic that devastates enemies maintaining several spells.

False State of Life – prevents enemies from knowing if you're injured. 

Eternity TTRPG Expansion Class

Druid Class Icon

In-tune with the nature around them. Shapeshift, command magic, heal allies, and provide support no matter the circumstance. 

Earth Blades – recurring damage with earth magic. 

Seed of Healing – recurring healing to yourself or allies.

Wolf Shape – change shape into an animal.

Druid Class Stats

Druids are perhaps the most balanced/ well-rounded of all classes.

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Fallen Paladin Class Icon

Destroyers of the light. Champions of the battlefield, and the cause of shadows. They seek above all else to dominate.

Blood Spiller – chance for more damage every time you attack.

Dread March – when heavily injured, you heal using the power of shadows.

Oathbreaker – those who aren’t healed from this shadowed strike take additional damage.

Fallen Paladin Class Stats

Fallen paladins are shadows incarnate, thrive against enemies who can heal.

See Fallen Paladin Details

Gem Lord

Gem Lord Class Icon

Lords of the realms of Altius. Often very wealthy, often very powerful, they are closely connected to the energies of gemstones.

Citrine Repulser – remove gem attunements from an enemies.

Gem Chakram – a gemstone weapon that you telekinetically control.

Jade Shield – reflect attacks upon yourself or your ally.

Eternity TTRPG Expansion Class


Jester Class Icon

The world is a stage, and why not? Mimics others to show them the truth of themselves. 

Adaptive Learner – learn one spell or ability from any other class. 

Copycat – take on another character's stats for a short time.

Mimic – copy a spell or ability recently used by an ally or enemy.

Eternity TTRPG Expansion Class

Eternity TTRPG Judge

Authority of the realm on behalf of its Lord. Keeps peace, instills law and order, and fights for justice.

In Defense of the Realm – allows allies to fight even when at 0HP.

Justice of Elysium – use magic to pull enemies towards you.

Relentless Lawbringer – continually increases chance to dodge attacks.

Judge Class Stats

Judges have some of the most diverse and interesting powers of any class.

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Lancer Class Icon

Mounted warriors who are often considered to be the absolute pinnacle of large-scale warfare.

Battlefield Dominance – throw enemies out of your path, wherever you go.

Valiance – inspire allies, allowing them to fully utilize their own strengths.

War Mount – a mount bred for war, giving you control of the battlefield.

Eternity TTRPG Expansion Class

Eternity TTRPG Legionnaire

Master of war. Dedicated to being a soldier, in profession and purpose. Leads others to victory through command. 

Break Morale – automatically hits, lowering the target's defenses. 

War Tactics – command multiple allies to attack at the same time. 

Strategic Advantage – increases yourself or an ally’s hit chance.

Legionnaire Class Stats

Legionnaires thrive when working with a team, enabling others to do more.

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Eternity TTRPG Monk

Master of self. Combines spirit, mind, and body into every action performed. Fights best unarmed and unarmored.

Aura Strikes – steal power from enemies with your attacks.

Dragon Claw – attack enemies before they attack you. 

Phase Shift – teleport, and become temporarily immune to magic.

Eternity TTRPG Expansion Class

Nether Knight

Nether Knight

Nether Knight Class Icon

Uses illusions and phantom warriors to fight enemies. A single nether knight can form an army at his or her command.

Nether Blade – when you attack, creates a Phantom Image.

Phantom Image – an illusion, phantom warrior that fights for you.   


Will to Destroy – consume a Phantom Image to gain additional power.

Eternity TTRPG Expansion Class

Oracle Class Icon

Predict outcomes, foresee the future, and foretell doom. Conjures magic unknown to any other wizards in the land.

Doom – attack with a chance to cause death, in time.   

Omen – enhances an ally’s attacks by telling them where to strike.   

Reflect – cause negative effects aimed at you to reflect upon its caster.

Oracle Class Stats

Oracles use their magic to sense the future,  protecting allies, and thwarting foes.

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Eternity TTRPG Paladin

Those who defend the light. Champions of the battlefield, and a beacon of righteousness. They seek to liberate.

Judgement – dramatically increases the power of allies, for a time.

Peacekeeper – chance to heal allies whenever they are attacked.

Reckoning – deal increasingly strong light damage over time.

Paladin Class Stats

Paladins defend the light and those around them with divine powers.

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Pyromancer Class Icon

Born of the Summer Solstice. Commands the powers of fire and heat. Magic that sears enemies and entire battlefields.

Abyssal Flare – fire damage, and increase your fire potency.

Meltdown – incinerate an enemy so they can't perform special attacks.

Phoenix Flame – ignites continual flames all over the battlefield.

Pyromancer Class Stats

Pyromancers generate magical flames to decimate anything that opposes them.

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Revenant/ Witch

Revenant/ Witch

Eternity TTRPG Revenant Witch

Defender of shadows. Wielders of magic that deceives and weakens enemies. Darkness is their very being.

Familiar – summons a companion that can cast magic for you. 

Spellbound – continual chance to take over the mind of an enemy. 

Wicked Heart – causes healing effects on the target to instead deal damage.

Eternity TTRPG Expansion Class

Royal Guard Class Icon

Life-sworn to the service and protection of another. Masters of the shield. Devoted to a cause, organization, or person.

Blade Training – gain additional defenses for each nearby enemy.

Grim Defense – gain additional hit chance against dazed enemies.

Shield Slam – bash an enemy to daze them.

Royal Guard Class Stats

Royal Guards have more proficiency and abilities in defense than any other class.

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Eternity TTRPG Sage Class

Bring light to the world. Scholars, wise men, and students of the universe. They command powerful healing magic.

Blessed Light – a strong healing spell that can easily change the flow of battle. 

Piercing Insight – restores an ally's ability to perform special attacks.


White Aegis – surround allies with a magical barrier which protects them.

Sage Class Stats

Sages heal and enable those around them with divine magic.

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Eternity TTRPG Samurai

The noble class of elite warriors. This art of the katana is only formally taught by, and among, noble families.

Kenjutsu – switch sword stances, gaining bonuses based on your choice.

Masamune – a formidable attack against enemies at full strength. 

Murumasa – a crippling slash that deals additional damage if enemies move.

Eternity TTRPG Expansion Class

Eternity TTRPG Summoner Class

Gatekeepers of Altius. Through portals to others realms, they call forth and command powerful beasts and eidolons.

Gates of Eternity – enhances spells cast through gateways you create. 

Mana Shield – in place of taking damage, you instead lose magical power. 

Oblivion – summon a terrifying creature that deals immense damage.

Summoner Class Stats

Summoners feature incredibly versatile powers, gifted by their summons.

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Eternity TTRPG Thief Class

Masters of breaking, entering, stealth, and stealing. In fights, they brawl without rules or restraint. 

Apply Poison – chose from a variety of toxins that you apply to your weapon.

Gamble – the luck of the dice gives you bonuses to stats. 

Steal – take items or even an enemy’s weapon or armor from them.

Thieves are agile and opportunistic, skilled in deception and burglary.

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Vampire Mage

Those who deliver shadows to the world around them. Terrifying students of life and death. They can even become vampires.

Bloodline – permanently change your race to that of a vampire.

Drain Life – steal life from an enemy and give it to an ally.

Necromancy – reanimate the dead to fight on your behalf. 

Vampire Mages utilize life-draining magic to harm others and heal allies.

View Vampire Mage Details

Advance force among soldiers. Those who use sword, spear, and bow to gain the advantage in a fight, as opportunities arise.

Combat Mobility – move even when attacking.

Intimidating Presence – chance each turn to taunt enemies.

Range Mastery – add additional reach to all of your attacks.

Vanguards are the epitome of physical offense, but also have terrific mobility.

View Vanguard Details

Witch Hunter

Witch Hunter

Those who seek to destroy shadows. Wielders of powers that heal allies, enhance combat deadliness, and counteract magic. 

Consecrate – every turn, chance to heal allies and damage enemies.

Inquisition – gain additional initiative every turn. 

Spell Breaker – when enemies cast magic, chance to dispel.

Eternity TTRPG Expansion Class

Class Quiz

Not sure what class you want to play? Check out the Eternity TTRPG "Class Quiz." Ten quick questions will help you decide what class to try out first! Also, subscribe to our email list below for a free PDF game preview of Eternity TTRPG.

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Eternity TTRPG Sage Class - Transparent

Eternity TTRPG Caster Classes

Take a look at the Eternity TTRPG caster classes - grouped together according to the purely magical classes.

Eternity TTRPG Martial Classes

Take a look at the Eternity TTRPG martial classes - grouped together according to the purely physical classes.

Eternity TTRPG Spell-Fighter Classes

Take a look at the Eternity TTRPG spell-fighter combo classes - grouped together according to the classes capable of both physical might and magical powers.

Eternity TTRPG Races

Eternity TTRPG has nine unique playable races, each with their own lore, racial powers, and variety of options for play. Choose from races you know such as humans or treants, or dive into the entirely unique world of Eternity TTRPG with crour, espers, ateri, empyrean, jadori, stoneborn, and yzarc.

Choose from nine unique and playable races. A few races are "base races" (human, jadori, treant) while the rest are variations on those base races (ateri, crour, empyrean, esper, stoneborn, yzarc).

Whether you're new to Eternity TTRPG or just want a quick character builder that adds race, class, and equipment stats for you, check out the Eternity TTRPG character builder!

Eternity TTRPG Race Artwork

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