Gatekeepers of Altius. Through portals to others realms, they call forth and command powerful beasts and eidolons.
The power of the Summoner must be passed on through another. It is in fact the “Summoner’s Trinket,” given to a person, that enables the summoning of Eidolons. No wizard, regardless of talent or age, has ever been able to summon an Eidolon without being given a Summoner’s Trinket. Even those who have forcefully taken or stolen Summoner’s Trinkets have not ever been able to summon Eidolons, in recorded history: only those who are gifted a Trinket.
The world has wanted to explain why a simple Trinket, usually made of silver and gold, smelt in a smith’s fire with no apparent magical properties, can allow a person to summon an Eidolon. But the answer has not yet been found, and Summoners refuse to answer questions posed to them regarding the Trinkets.
Though many Summoners now travel the world, being sought out for their rare and powerful Eidolons, the first and to this day, most powerful Summoner’s tribe resides in the high and hidden valleys of the World Mountain. This tribe is a simple people with no unifying name. They are not warlike in any way, but rather live peacefully, entirely secluded from the world by natural barriers of stone and wilderness.
Though Summoners are secretive of their magic, their powers are apparent.
Note that these stats are not specifically used in Eternity TTRPG. Instead, these representative stats are meant to provide an overall idea of how the class plays. Definitions are provided below which do directly align with the Eternity TTRPG system.
Attack: the overall ability of the class to deal damage and set the tempo in a battle.
Defense: the innate ability of the class to reduce damage and negative effects taken, both from physical and magical attacks.
Intuition: represents skills such as perception, stealth, or sixth-sense abilities to help them avoid otherwise unforeseeable harm.
Magic: the innate ability of the class to manipulate the very fabric of Altius and The Dream, turning those powers to their will.
Special: not all unique "powers" are magical in nature, and some classes have magic-like, "special" abilities.
Quickness: the overall speed, mobility, and initiative of the class.
Utility: the ability of the class to bolster allies, debilitate enemies, or provide useful effects in various out-of-combat situations.
the class' ability to adapt to any situation or environment, both in and out of combat.
Summoners gain stat bonuses upon leveling up, based upon the "Critical Option" chosen for each spell. These class-based stat bonuses provide roughly half of the overall stat benefits for your character, making them integral to your character's advancement.
Trait | Bonus |
Summoning | +1Intelligence |
Mystic Infusion | +1Faith |
Enhanced Gateways | +3Resilience |
In Eternity TTRPG, any racial power, spell, or ability may be used in or out of combat. However, each class does have its own unique set of "Roleplay Powers," which are designed to enable players to feel truly outstanding in ways that are unique from the rest of their adventuring party.
Roleplay Powers either provide auto-successes on specific skill or knowledge checks related to the class, or provide unique effects and powers that help players feel like they're experiencing what it's like to live in the world of Eternity TTRPG with their chosen class.
Teleport to any place you’ve already been, after 15minutes of casting. You can bring one person with you, multiplied by your current Level.
Create up to one minor magical creature, multiplied by your current Level. Summons are the size of your palm, intelligent, and obedient to you.
You may speak to anyone (including your summons) who you can directly see, with your mind. They, in turn, can respond to you.
The following summoner spell descriptions provide summaries of their actual in-game effects.
Heal up to 3 allies in 4Range.
Chance each turn to heal your target’s Wisdom.
Chance to deal damage to up to 3 enemies in 4Range.
Empower yourself to still cast Spells while silenced, or temporarily gain Intelligence.
Create two “Portals,” which also give you additional Faith when attacking through.
Heal your target for a large amount.
Protect yourself against an attack, using Wisdom.
Chance to deal a large amount of damage.
Summon a wondrous beast to battle on your behalf.
Chance to Silence multiple enemies for 2turns.
The Summoner, first and foremost, summons magical creatures to protect them and fight on their behalf. However, there are many types of summoning magic. The most prominent is that of calling forth a magical beast from another realm to stay by the summoner's side, continually. Alternatively though summoners may beckon powerful spirits to cause dazzling effects for only a few moments, who then return to their realm, though the effects they cause may be dramatic and lasting.
The Summoner's "Summon" spell is the class' most versatile effect, acting as an attacking unit, protector for the summoner, and able to cause unique effects like "Daze" on enemies.
To round out the Summoner's attacking arsenal, you have "Eidolon" and "Oblivion." Both spells take 2-Actions to summon a powerful spirit to cause damage (Eidolon does area of effect damage while Oblivion does massive damage to one target), before dissipating. Additionally, you have "Taciturnity," which though not technically an attack, does debuff multiple enemies by "Silencing" them for multiple turns.
For healing and protection, Summoners have access to "Aeon" for area of effect healing, "Genesis" for powerful single-target healing, "Arcane Power" for ongoing Wisdom healing, and "Mana Shield" to negate physical damage to yourself by instead taking Wisdom damage.
Lastly, "Gates of Eternity" allows you to create two gateways through which you and others may travel or attack, and you have access to "Epiphany," which for the cost ofWisdom allows you to cast Spells (even while "Dazed," or "Silenced," etc.) or even bolster your "Summon" for a turn.
Orphaned as a child by a Chaos Beast attack on his small village in Leonic, Brizmir heard about Janus’ chaos summoning from pirates who had visited the Summoner’s monastery on Cascade Island. Having lost everything, Brizmir made his way to the monastery as a youth.
Amazingly, Janus took Brizmir as an apprentice, along with two other young mages. The three apprentices learned the art of “Chaos-Forging,” through which it was possible to bind a Chaos Beast, Esper, or Eidolon, to a person’s soul. A Chaos-Forged person gained part of the personality and powers of their partner.
Beatrix, Brizmir's daughter, was born many years later, after he had become prominent in his position. She was poisoned as a young teen when Brizmir was thought to have betrayed the monastery. To save his daughter, Brizmir chaos-forged Beatrix to an Eidolon of a Gargoyle, giving her the Gargoyle’s properties of poison immunity.
Liked the summoner, but not quite what you're looking for? Find the right class for you with these other Eternity TTRPG caster classes.
Eternity TTRPG has nine unique playable races, each with their own lore, racial powers, and variety of options for play. Choose from races you know such as humans or treants, or dive into the entirely unique world of Eternity TTRPG with crour, espers, ateri, empyrean, jadori, stoneborn, and yzarc.
Choose from nine unique and playable races. A few races are "base races" (human, jadori, treant) while the rest are variations on those base races (ateri, crour, empyrean, esper, stoneborn, yzarc).
Whether you're new to Eternity TTRPG or just want a quick character builder that adds race, class, and equipment stats for you, check out the Eternity TTRPG character builder!
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