Those who deliver shadows to the world around them. Terrifying students of life and death. They can even become vampires.
Arms of pure white bone struck at Achilles. As much as he ducked and evaded, there were too many to simply run past. The muscles in his back and arm tensed, blade whirled, and a skeleton fell in pieces. The death groans of the monsters were hideous. He’d never faced a vampire mage before and was not prepared for the decayed flesh and rotted bone before him.
He cut down two more skeletons, each with rotted patches. They surrounded him entirely. The murky swamp was around his knees, sucking him to his grave.
But the skeletons stopped. Their hands mere inches from Achilles’ throat. They fell around him. Some fell on top, glancing off before splashing midst the swamp. Across the watery field, the vampire mage slumped to his knees. Water lapped gently against his stomach, covering his arms up to the elbows. Andiel stood behind him, a wild-eyed specter. His glistening dagger-turned-crimson protruded from the mage’s upper back.
Note that these stats are not specifically used in Eternity TTRPG. Instead, these representative stats are meant to provide an overall idea of how the class plays. Definitions are provided below which do directly align with the Eternity TTRPG system.
Attack: the overall ability of the class to deal damage and set the tempo in a battle.
Defense: the innate ability of the class to reduce damage and negative effects taken, both from physical and magical attacks.
Intuition: represents skills such as perception, stealth, or sixth-sense abilities to help them avoid otherwise unforeseeable harm.
Magic: the innate ability of the class to manipulate the very fabric of Altius and The Dream, turning those powers to their will.
Special: not all unique "powers" are magical in nature, and some classes have magic-like, "special" abilities.
Quickness: the overall speed, mobility, and initiative of the class.
Utility: the ability of the class to bolster allies, debilitate enemies, or provide useful effects in various out-of-combat situations.
the class' ability to adapt to any situation or environment, both in and out of combat.
Vampire mages gain stat bonuses upon leveling up, based upon the "Critical Option" chosen for each spell. These class-based stat bonuses provide roughly half of the overall stat benefits for your character, making them integral to your character's advancement.
Trait | Bonus |
Blood Magic | +1Faith |
Drain | +1Intelligence |
Vampire's Coven | +2Will and +1Resilience |
In Eternity TTRPG, any racial power, spell, or ability may be used in or out of combat. However, each class does have its own unique set of "Roleplay Powers," which are designed to enable players to feel truly outstanding in ways that are unique from the rest of their adventuring party.
Roleplay Powers either provide auto-successes on specific skill or knowledge checks related to the class, or provide unique effects and powers that help players feel like they're experiencing what it's like to live in the world of Eternity TTRPG with their chosen class.
You may speak with the undead, and the spirits of the dead. They, in turn, can respond to you. Undead never attack you unless you attack first.
Add your Soul Stat against all Fate Rolls made during nighttime. Conversely, remove your Soul Stat against all Fate Rolls made during daytime.
You exude a malevolent “Shadow Aura.” You automatically detect Light Aura units within 100 yards, and you are immune to shadow damage.
The following vampire mage spell descriptions provide summaries of their actual in-game effects.
Damage yourself to heal your target, and you gain “Blood Healing.
Chance to damage your target and yourself, and you gain “Blood Healing.”
You turn into a vampire, permanently altering your body and mind (and Stats).
Chance to lower your target’s Will.
Chance to damage your target and use their life to heal an ally.
Chance to damage your target’s Wisdom and use that to heal an ally’s Wisdom.
Chance to continually damage your target.
Raise undead creatures.
Gives a chance each turn to heal an ally.
Very high chance to remove a magic, maintained, or Status Effect.
Vampire mage's have several "styles" of play, when it comes to combat. On the one hand, drain and blood funnel/ rush effects allow for a mixture of magic damage and healing to provide both offense and sustain for your allies. On the other hand, you can take the role of a necromancer, allowing undead to fight on your behalf while you support them with various spells and buff/ debuff effects. And of course, any mixture of the two can be highly effective, as well.
"Drain Life" is one of the primary vampire mage spells, giving you the chance to both deal damage and use that damage to heal an ally. "Drain Mind" allows you the same effect, but with Wisdom instead of HP. Meanwhile, you can bolster your "Drain Life" spell by use of "Blood Funnel" and "Blood Rush." Both spells provide you with increased hit chance to Drain Life. Blood Funnel allows you to give HP to an ally at the cost of your own HP, while Blood Rush allows you a high chance to damage an enemy, at the cost of your own HP.
If you prefer undead control over direct spellcasting, "Necromancy" is the other primary vampire mage spell and combat style. While undead are covering the battlefield, spells like "Decay" to lower targets' Will, and "Mortal Flay" to cause continual damage can become truly powerful. Undead tend to cause damage a little more slowly than the Drain/ Blood build, so ongoing effects have time to cause really devastating results. For this reason, "Shadow Aura (Pain Synergy)" - with the chance to heal each turn - and "Bloodline," which boosts your undead numbers, can also be fantastic.
Finally, "Shatter Magic" is the most powerful dispel effect in Eternity, providing an insanely high chance to remove magic, maintained, or Status Effects, to round out your chosen combat style.
Achilles sighed and dropped his head until the ends of his white strands soaked in the swamp. He breathed in deeply.
Andiel was chipper. “Almost got yourself killed again, I see.” He flicked the bloody knife upwards, casually catching it in its descent. “Did you see that final five feet I took towards the vampire mage? It was glorious. Perfection. He didn’t notice anything until the dagger stuck.”
After some moments and another curse, the gloomy dark elf finally raised his head. “It’s good to have vengeance.” He stood up, drying off his sword as best he could. “He did almost kill us twice. The ‘good people’ of Calciphern might even reward us. That vampire mage caused havoc after we woke him down in the chimaera caverns.”
Andiel cleaned his dagger, sheathed it, and peered around the corners of the blackened swamp. “So, where did he come from?”
“And why was he here?”
“And since when did he gain the powers of necromancy? I’d heard there weren’t any orders of vampire mages south of Murgana. The occasional rumor about Leonic, I suppose.” Andiel briefly placed his head in his hands, rubbing his temples. “How did he survive the attack on Calciphern?”
Liked the vampire mage, but not quite what you're looking for? Find the right class for you with these other Eternity TTRPG caster classes.
Eternity TTRPG has nine unique playable races, each with their own lore, racial powers, and variety of options for play. Choose from races you know such as humans or treants, or dive into the entirely unique world of Eternity TTRPG with crour, espers, ateri, empyrean, jadori, stoneborn, and yzarc.
Choose from nine unique and playable races. A few races are "base races" (human, jadori, treant) while the rest are variations on those base races (ateri, crour, empyrean, esper, stoneborn, yzarc).
Whether you're new to Eternity TTRPG or just want a quick character builder that adds race, class, and equipment stats for you, check out the Eternity TTRPG character builder!
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