Dungeon A Day - Furiaes Castle - Day 30

In a leaf-fallen forest, under a full moon, a dark shadow lies over a single cottage. Looking up, you can just make out the outline of a ghost-like castle, somehow floating in the autumn skies.

Beneath it, candle-like wisps flit about, summoning all souls who can hear their call, to the "doorway" through which all may pass to the floating keep.

This is the place to which children from the nearby village have been kidnapped, reports claim. But seeing Furiaes Castle in person is more unsettling than you'd hoped.

Day 30 - Alecto

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A grassy courtyard with the number 30 on it.

Room Description (Read the Following Text to Your Players)

(To enter this room, players must either use dungeon room 8 - the real entrance - or attempt dungeon room 16 - the false entrance. Only read this text if they come in through dungeon room 8. Otherwise, refer to "The False Entrance," below).

(To enter through the proper doorway in dungeon room 8, the players must insert all five "Noble Keys": The Fairy Skeleton's Key, The Key of Undeath, The Sorcerer's Key, The Key of Lanterns, and The Coven's Blood Key. When they do, a glowing hand symbol appears in the center of the door. The best way to complete the opening of the door is to have a "Noble" of the castle press their palm upon the glowing hand. Refer to "Opening the Gateway," below).

Upon Entry to the Courtyard: a stirring garden, cast in silver and blue moonlit rays steals your breath. But only for a moment... For the beauty and serenity are marred, deeply, by the heart-wrenching sobs of several dozen children, encircled by the thorned and barbed body of a great black dragon. 

Room Challenges

  • The False Entrance: players may unlock this door by using any of the "5-Noble Keys" of Furiaes Castle (Fairy Skeleton's Key, Key of Undeath, Sorcerer's Key, Key of Lanterns, or Coven's Blood Key). The gate may also be unlocked with a successful Intelligence roll (Fate Roll Difficulty matches Avg. Party Level) reveals a pool of dark magic that absorbs light, and harms anyone who enters into its space. A Double-Success Fate Roll also reveals that this entrance is a false entrance, and leads nowhere. Characters entering this room roll Will (Fate Roll Difficulty matches Avg. Party Level, +3). If they fail, they take 1damage (Double-Hit, 2damage).
  • Opening the Gateway: after the five "Noble Keys" are inserted, the gateway requires that one of the following NPCs places their palm upon the door - Lady Omega (from dungeon room 6), Lady Alpha (from dungeon room 13), Dullahan (from dungeon room 18), or Birane (from dungeon room 25). Players may use the "servants of the castle" (from dungeon room 20) to send messages to any of those NPCs. If players have ruined all of those possible ally relationships by attacking or threatening them, a successful Faith roll (Fate Roll Difficulty matches Avg. Party Level, +5) opens the gateway without any NPC help. If this too is impossible, again, the "servants of the castle" (from dungeon room 20) may be used to ask for help from the village, or dungeon room 7 may be used to allow the party to escape the castle for a time, so they can find another means of entry.
  • The Black Dragon - Alecto: the players have a choice here, for the dragon assures them that it will free the children, once the oath breaker, Celidor, has gone fully insane. If they should but wait for that to happen, then the children will be freed. This could lead to a larger arc in your campaign, if you wish. Otherwise, the dragon will threaten to harm the children, drastically heightening the difficulty of a battle with Alecto. 
  • Third Furiaes: if the party slays the dragon, it roars defiantly, then lies still. Just before closing it eyes, it says "I have lived for 3,000-years, and I shall live for 3,000-more..." The dragon then turns into the form of a human woman, covered in rich robes, eyes closed and lying in her own blood.
  • Suits of Armor: should the party attack Alecto, the suits of armor (from dungeon room 21) which have not been destroyed, are animated. Up to the 20-suits of armor will run into the courtyard in 7-turns.
  • Megaera and Tisiphone: if either of the other Furiaes Sisters have not been slain when the players enter into a battle with Alecto, they both appear. Megaera appears in 4-turns, and Tisiphone appears in 14-turns. If this should happen, the battle almost certainly becomes impossible to win, so you should consider helping your players avoid this fate.
  • Freeing the Children: should battle begin, the children are no longer wrapped around by the dragon, and may flee. The party may help them escape to the front of the castle. Should the dragon be destroyed, the castle will begin to crumble, but the children can easily be rescued before the castle collapses, completely.
  • Castle Furiaes: once the children are freed and all three sisters defeated, the castle will dissipate over the following day, as if it never existed. Should any Furiaes survive, they will return for the children.
  • Ladies Furiaes: Dungeon A Day will return to Castle Furiaes in the future, and your campaign may, as well... for the Ladies Furiaes may be slain, but only a very special power may ever truly defeat them. As such, neither the Furiaes Sisters nor their floating castle have been truly bested - at least as of yet...

Enemy Stats

Black Dragon - Alecto: "Demi Boss" enemy Difficulty (match Avg. Party Level, +4). Option to use the "Pyromancer AI." There are 48-children from the village present. Every other turn that the party continues their attack, Alecto will take a turn to slay one instead of fighting the party, hoping to cause them to relent. See the Dungeon A Day - Enemy Stats and AI page for more details.

(Suits of Armor): if present - "Weak" enemy Difficulty (match Avg. Party Level, -3). Option to use the "Baseline AI." See the Dungeon A Day - Enemy Stats and AI page for more details.

(Cat Sith, Tisiphone): if present - "Demi Boss" enemy Difficulty (match Avg. Party Level, -4). Option to use the "Assassin AI." Each turn, Cat Sith summons a ghost to serve and defend it, as an Instant Action, which appears within 4Range. Each ghost is a "Weak" enemy difficulty (match Avg. Party Level, -4). Option to use the "Baseline AI." See the Dungeon A Day - Enemy Stats and AI page for more details. 

(Megaera): if present - "Demi Boss" enemy Difficulty (match Avg. Party Level). Option to use the "Royal Guard AI." Whenever this beast (Megaera) deals damage, it heals +1HP from the bite it takes out of its victim. See the Dungeon A Day - Enemy Stats and AI page for more details.

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Visit the Dungeon A Day - Furiaes Castle Overview Page for all Dungeon Rooms in this series.

Visit the Dungeon A Day main Page to see all of the Eternity TTRPG dungeons!

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Jacob Tegtman Eternity TTRPG Creator

Jacob Tegtman

Dear reader, I hope you enjoyed this article. Tabletop gaming has been a passion of mine since I was 6 years old. I've played just about every game from Dungeons and Dragons to video games like Final Fantasy. These games have inspired me, made me laugh, made me cry, and brought me endless hours of enjoyment.

I started Eternity TTRPG - and the indie tabletop game that goes along with it (Eternity Shop) - to share my love of gaming with others. I believe that in our technology-driven age, tabletop games help bring a sense of magic and community back into our world.

If you love the site, please share it with others! I have lots of gaming-related material for you to peruse and use in your own gaming sessions. If you have any questions about the site or want to contribute, just send me a message using the "Contact" page, which you can find in the site's footer.

Jacob Tegtman Eternity TTRPG Creator

Jacob Tegtman

Dear reader, I hope you enjoyed my article. Tabletop gaming has been a passion of mine since I was 6 years old. I've played just about every game from Dungeons and Dragons to video games like Final Fantasy. These games have inspired me, made me laugh, made me cry, and brought me endless hours of enjoyment.

I started Eternity TTRPG - and the indie tabletop game that goes along with it (Eternity Shop) - to share my love of gaming with others. I believe that in our technology-driven age, tabletop games help bring a sense of magic and community back into our world.

If you love the site, please share it with others! I have lots of gaming-related material for you to peruse and use in your own gaming sessions. If you have any questions about the site or want to contribute, just send me a message using the "Contact" page, which you can find in the site's footer.

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